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Lesions and healthy organs dosimetry.

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1 Lesions and healthy organs dosimetry.
Lesions and healthy organs dosimetry. A, time course of FIA/g of tissue in selected brain lesions (dotted lines) and extracranial metastases (continuous lines) of all 6 patients. *, values for extracranial (liver) and brain lesions measured in the same patient. B, FIA/g of tissue time course in various organs from one patient. The 124I diagnostic values have been rescaled to match the physical half-life of 131I (8 days). The profiles thus represent an underestimate of the antibody residence on the lesion, as they contain an exponential component for the decay of the radionuclide. Gian Luca Poli et al. Cancer Immunol Res 2013;1: ©2013 by American Association for Cancer Research

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