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Organisation: the key to success

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Presentation on theme: "Organisation: the key to success"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organisation: the key to success

2 Your English class gear

Serge Berland-Delepine Editions OPHRYS

4 Re-use or buy a ring-binder!
With dividers for: Topic units (vocabulary sheets, worksheets, your own notes) Methodology sheets Grammar sheets VIP sheets Colles Exam papers => So at least 6 dividers !

5 Don’t forget to buy a card punch!
You also need highlighters!

6 You have two years to get ready.
What you do this year will not be covered again next year. That’s why, it is very important you keep everything orderly to revise efficiently when the time comes. You will have to do revision sheets at the end of each unit.

7 Only hand-written work accepted.

8 is crucial… So buy a watch!

9 Always take notes in class.
Always read over your notes from the previous class the day before the next class. Start learning your vocabulary list as soon as you get it. Always do the work, even the shortest exercises. No delay accepted for work to be done at home (DM). Deadlines must be respected. So do not procrastinate.



12 Starting on September, 16th
COLLES (oral examination) In groups of or one-to-one Every two weeks Starting on September, 16th


14 Vocabulaire thématique :
S 1&2 : Education S 3&4 : Employment S 5&6 : International relations S 7&8 : The Environment S 9&10 : The Economy S 11&12 : High Technology S 13&14 : Space S 15&16 : Computers S 17&18 : Law & Order S 19&20 : Sports S 21&22 : Drugs S 23&24 : Medicine S 25&26 : Travel S 27&28 : the Media S 29&30 : Social Tensions

15 The final exam is based on articles, graphs and cartoons from famous newspapers.
Exam topics are about current affairs; what hit the headlines or more general trends. So following and keeping up with the news is ESSENTIAL. I advise you to check the headlines of news websites such as the BBC The Guardian VOA (Voice of America) and VOA Learning English NPR (National Public Radio) The Conversation (French/English) daily and read full articles whenever you can. Twice or three times a week would be good.

16 Download podcasts and listen to them on public transports, in your car, whenever…
For example: All Things Considered (NPR) Morning Edition (NPR) Tell Me More (NPR) Ted Radio Hour (NPR) Today (BBC) Front Row (BBC) Seriously (BBC) In Our Time (BBC)

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