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Norwegian CAX JTLS Conference 2019

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1 Norwegian CAX JTLS Conference 2019
Commander S.G. Sveinung Hegge Chief J7 CAX Norwegian Joint Headquarters

2 Agenda Vision Organization Experiences Evolution
Norwegian Joint Headquarters J7 CAX Agenda Vision Organization Experiences Evolution

3 Norwegian Joint Headquarters
J7 CAX Vision NOR J7 CAX will support simulation of joint planning, training and exercises in order to maximize the chances of success in real world operations

4 Organization NJHQ NIS Army JCATS VBS3 Navy KDA Airforce F-35 SOF CYBER
Norwegian Joint Headquarters J7 CAX Organization DoD The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency (NDEA) Defense material Norwegian armed forces NJHQ Army JCATS VBS3 Navy KDA Airforce F-35 SOF CYBER Homeguard NIS Norwegian Defence Research Establishment Norwegian National Security Authority (NoNSA) The slide depicts the organization of the Norwegian defense from top level DoD down to the tactical commands. The reason to show this is to show our place. My section at the Joint headquarters is as depicted placed on an operational level within the armed forces as an integrated part of the Joint headquarter planning and exercise division. As of now we consist of six persons from E-2 to O-5 and civilian C-2 and C-3’s. This is a fairly small, but manageable organization as long as we try to keep our ambitions at a reasonable level. We are partnering with all the simulation communities within our armed forces. We are seeking to integrate the other simulators in use with JTLS to give us even better training and simulation results. With integration of tactical trainers the results from simulations is from our point of view getting better, but harder to achieve due to interoperability issues between the systems. In addition to our military partners within the NORAF, we also cooperate closely with the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment, the JWC in Stavanger and is about to enter a new partnership with North University in Bodø for integrated training with civilian organizations.

5 Experiencies Exercises Planning and operations + Environment
Norwegian Joint Headquarters J7 CAX Experiencies Exercises Planning and operations CPX Polaris Gram (2011  ) FTX/CPX Cold Response CPX Trident Juncture 18 CPX Trident Jupiter 19-1 (19-2) CHOD advice (2015 & 2019) Operational and tactical defense plans + Environment Scrips vs simulation + Testing Time consuming + NATO OAB Security levels + Support from RA JTLS documentation up to date (a brief introduction of the arenas where NJHQ J7 CAX have used or been a part of using JTLS GO) JTLS gives the staff (PTA) a realistic environment for CPX training. Meaning the movements and results of simulations are consistent for all parties, and the perception of sound military judgement is challenged. This is not possible without simulations of complex operations in a realistic model of the operational environment. Thru simulations the staff is able to test the current plans for defense against an enemy ML and MD COA, depending on the players on the adversary side. This also gives us the option of doing scenarios with massive destruction of infrastructure and classified capabilities ie EW and mine laying which is not allowed in peacetime. We have thru JTLS GO tested possible capabilities in our war scenarios to see what capabilities gives which effects in the operations. These results are now used both for revisiting plans and giving the politicians advice on how to develop the Norwegian defense with new units, different organizations and so on A challenge experienced in Norway is utilizing the results of simulations. This is closely connected with the Bi-SC 75-3 which (as of now) has not evolved with the technology of simulations, and there is still a great demand of pre-scripted events and results instead of using the outputs from simulations for staff training. We are seeking to mitigate this during the CPXs the next year, meaning we are pushing CAX personnel into the scripting and MEL/MIL organizations. The use of JTLS databases is time consuming. For the last years the J7 CAX have been busy during the whole year for just one CPX building databases. New versions of JTLS have forced the staff to re-build databases several times. Converting databases from one version to the next have not been a success for us. NOR J7 CAX is working on both unclassified and highly classified systems. Meaning both NATO Secret and Norwegian Secret. The lack of an option for tagging capabilities with their security classification, or the ability to have multiple characteristics of unit capabilities with different security classifications gives us a great challenge. A master database with these options on the highest classification level in use, would save us a lot of time if possible to export downwards when activities are done on lower security levels. Thru our experience the documentation of JTLS GO is not as updated as the program itself. New functions are not always properly documented. We have managed so far, but with new personnel in our organization this might hamper us. Norway have entered the NATO led Operational Authority Board, which collects and prioritize change requests in the JTLS software. We believe in this joint effort to further develop the model, and can see results from coordinated inputs to Roland's. Our last point is the support from Roland's, which from our point of view is excellent. On all levels from CEO to development and administration. Even though we got a 9 hour time gap between us, there is always an answer on skype, phone and/or . This is highly appreciated from our headquarters.

6 Evolution User forum JTLS GO Analytics Maps – GIS APIs AI? CCIR / CNR
Norwegian Joint Headquarters J7 CAX Evolution User forum JTLS GO Analytics Maps – GIS APIs AI? CCIR / CNR Based on our experiences and what we can foresee, we got a few evolution points we would like to highlight. Our database and operator group would really like a JTLS GO user forum open for the JTLS community where experiences and best practice can be shared. We know there is many common challenges, and sharing how they can be solved might save both users and Rolands many hours of work. Analytics is from our experience a challenge. The data generated thru message browser and SQL queries is not suitable for quantitative analysis. When running scenarios where we seek to test the effects of new capabilities, changes in capabilities and their overall effect in the scenario, there is a need for a better data stream. Maps and terrain is vital for us. In Norway the terrain is a much larger challenge than the adversary for both sides. The current terrain models is not reflecting the level of detail needed. Web map service, WMS, on the Web Hosted Interface Program, WHIP, consuming data from our GIS tools, would give us a better terrain model and reduce the gap between JTLS GO and the National C2 system, NORCCIS. We are currently working with this issue in particular, looking at different solutions for a master database or to make cross functional databases, instead of different data consumers asking for the same information. This work might also benefit other database issues. The possibility for live data when CPXs are being done in live scenarios, the connection to civilian APIs i.e. the AIS, Automatic identification system of shipping, and MODE S for air traffic, could give us a even more realistic and complex picture without consuming operators to generate civilian tracks. Last point is focused messages which is connected to the Commanders information requirement's and notification requirements. Too many vital pieces of information glitches and there should be a way to highlight what the COMs have decided is vital – not only because this information be default is important, but is it also a way to learn COMs and staffs what CCIRs and CNRs that is actually important to them. The risk of information overload is high if this command tool does not work properly.

7 Thank you for your attention!
Norwegian Joint Headquarters J7 CAX

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