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Features of the app include tabs (from left to right) for posting events, the divisional calendar of events, the trauma center directory, and external.

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Presentation on theme: "Features of the app include tabs (from left to right) for posting events, the divisional calendar of events, the trauma center directory, and external."— Presentation transcript:

1 Features of the app include tabs (from left to right) for posting events, the divisional calendar of events, the trauma center directory, and external links to on-call schedules/references materials. Features of the app include tabs (from left to right) for posting events, the divisional calendar of events, the trauma center directory, and external links to on-call schedules/references materials. Kristen M Chreiman et al. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open 2017;2:e000085 Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

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