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Presentation on theme: "PRATTVILLE HIGH SCHOOL COURSE SYLLABUS ALGEBRA 1A"— Presentation transcript:

Coach L. Stewart

2 Course Overview Algebra I is a formal, in-depth study of algebraic concepts and the real number system. In this course students develop a greater understanding of and appreciation for algebraic properties and operations. Algebra I reinforce concepts presented in earlier courses and permits students to explore new, more challenging content which prepares them for further study in mathematics.

3 Suggested Materials Notebook Paper (College Ruled)
Notebook (Binder) Notebook Paper (College Ruled) Pencil/Pens (black or blue ink only) Scientific Calculator

4 Classroom Rules Respect yourself (Come to class on time and prepared to learn. Have your textbook, binder, paper, pencil/pen, and homework assignment everyday.) Respect the teacher (Follow directions, listen, and use respectful language.) Respect other students (Keep feet, hands, and objects to self. Use respectful language, no put downs or profanity.) Respect school property (Take care of books, desks, and other school-owned property.)

5 Classroom Policies No food or drink and no audible or visible gum.
All unauthorized electronic devices in use will be confiscated as per school policy. Pencil, blue or black ink only (no colored gel pens) For handwritten work, heading requires name, date, and period on the top right, and title of assignment on the first left line of notebook paper. Students not seated when the bell rings will be counted as tardy. No late work will be accepted, unless a special arrangement has been made. When the dismissal bell rings, students will be dismissed by the teacher. No grooming, Lotion, perfume, or other cosmetics in the classroom. All items will be confiscated and may be picked up by the student after school.

6 Grading Policy Test/Quizzes 50% Homework 30% Entry Tasks 15%
Participation 5%

7 EXAMS Mid Term Exam: A comprehensive exam will be given at the end of the first semester. Final Exam: A comprehensive exam will be given at the end of the school year.

8 TEXTBOOKS We will have a classroom set of Alg. 1 textbooks that will remain in the class at all times. At the end of each class session please place the books under your desk in the metal racks. Textbooks will be used on a daily basis, but homework will come from your workbooks and teacher handouts.

9 Workbooks Study Guide and Intervention Workbooks will be used to introduce each lesson and students will not write in them. Skills Practice Workbooks will be used for guided practice and homework assignments on a daily basis. Students will be able to write in these workbooks. Practice Workbooks will be used occasionally for daily grades. These pages will be copied for each student.


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