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A Wrinkle in Time Illustrated.

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Presentation on theme: "A Wrinkle in Time Illustrated."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Wrinkle in Time Illustrated

2 In the following storyboard, we focus on one short, specific passage from the novel:
Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace are Tessering in higher dimensions. They soon find themselves thrust onto a two dimensional planet. This occurs in chapter 5, The Tesseract (p. 76).

3 The tessering sequence, especially, is described in the book as "nothingness." Meg feels only "the dissolution of her body." The move to two dimensions is a feeling of "being completely flattened."

4 Tessering Sequence….

5 "There was a gust of wind and a great thrust and a sharp shattering as she was shoved through-what?. . . If Calvin was still holding her hand she could not feel it. But this time she was prepared for the sudden and complete dissolution of her body," (p. 76).

6 "Without warning, coming as complete and unexpected shock, she felt a pressure she had never imagined, as though she were being completely flattened out by an enormous steam roller.”

7 Works Cited paintings by Abigail Ranger photographs and computer graphics by Karen Siegel

8 Writing Time… In at least one paragraph, describe what you think the experience of tessering would be like- use all the senses in your description.

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