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Agenda Bellringer Review Questions Notes: Korean War Exit Ticket

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1 Agenda Bellringer Review Questions Notes: Korean War Exit Ticket
Begin homework

2 Housekeeping Done with 30 week test?

3 Homework Read pages 60-63 Answer MC questions on page (will senteo in tomorrow for grade) Docs p

4 Review What form of warfare did Mao use in the Chinese Communist Revolution? Guerilla What was the name of Deng’s modernization program? Four Modernizations What was the Iron Curtain? Imaginary line between democratic and communist countries What was the Tiananmen Square Massacre? Killing/Jailing of college students in China for wanting political reform What form of warfare did the Germans use in WWII? Blitzkrieg

5 Review Homework Let’s review the three questions on page 58…

6 Essential Learning: The Cold War
Korean War Essential Learning: The Cold War

7 Objectives Students will identify the Korean War as the first war of containment.

8 Containment Containment especially affected developing nations after WWII Russia/China advocated for communist revolutions US feared Domino Effect – if one nation becomes communist then nations around it will become communist NATO and Warsaw Pact – lead to proxy wars – conflicts fought between large countries using smaller countries as “pawns”

9 Review: Korea Korea was a cultural land bridge
Ideas went from China, through Korea, then to Japan


11 Korean War ( ) Korea divided after WWII as part of Paris Peace Treaty North Korea: occupied by Soviet forces, communist rule South Korea: occupied by American forces 1950 North Korea invaded South Korea wanted to unify country under communist rule Why did United States fight back??? containment United Nations forces led by General MacArthur prevented Northern takeover Armistice or end to fighting signed 1953 Ends with cease fire and establishment of the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone)







18 North Korea Communist government Kim Il Sung Ruled for 50 years
Son Kim Jong Il took over Now, Kim Jon Un is in power Possesses nuclear weapons Still tension today

19 North Korea invades South Korea in 1950
First armed conflict of Cold War. NATO vs. Warsaw countries. Ends with cease fire and establishment of the DMZ (demilitarized zone) Totalitarian government Kim Jong Il Possesses nuclear weapons Still tension today




23 Exit Ticket Define domino theory. Define proxy war.
How was Korea divided after WWII? How did the Korean War end? What is the DMZ? Who is the current leader of North Korea?


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