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Proposed Bartholomew Street Community Hub

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Presentation on theme: "Proposed Bartholomew Street Community Hub"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposed Bartholomew Street Community Hub
Brockville Police Service November 26, 2014

2 Agenda Vision and Objectives Community Policing In Brockville
Timing / Why Now? Why Social Housing? Proposed Hub Location / Bartholomew St Other Area Hubs Roles and Responsibilities Evaluation Next Steps Questions Adjournment

3 BPS’s Vision & Objectives
What is BPS’s Vision for a Hub To create a central place for families to access services Agencies to provide outreach etc. Enhanced communication and coordination amongst partners Engage whole family Provision of services and programs to support families and children. Homework clubs…etc….

4 Community Policing Model
What is community policing What is the BPS model or principles for community policing Vision The Brockville Police Services' vision of the future is one of change to being more proactive in the delivery of community policing: strengthening the role of enforcement of federal, provincial and municipal laws, and the provision of quality management of the Police Service Goal Improved community safety and crime reduction of targeted crimes through education & enforcement. Method Diagnosing and managing problems which produce serious crimes Foster relationships with our community to enhance community safety, crime prevention and crime solving for targeted crimes Building self-defence capabilities within the community itself


6 Why Now? Common Objectives and Visions
Brockville Police Service Vision and Priorities Public Safety Community partnerships(community policing) Accountable to PSA, PSB, Council and the community UCLG Housing Strategy: “Bringing New Life To Public Housing” Create a people-centered philosophy for public housing Provide Safe and Efficient Housing that reflects changing needs Transform a liability into an asset Ontario Government Long Term Affordable Housing Strategy Putting People First Creating Stronger Partnerships Supporting Affordable Options Accountable Services

7 Why Social Housing? Potential for positive outcomes for tenants, community and the taxpayer Concentrated high density housing units Vulnerable / economically disadvantaged families and children increased incidence of complaints, children's behavior (bullying), noise, swearing, negative neighborhood perception Stigma / isolation Multiple and diverse needs

8 Why Social Housing? Multiple community agency involvement with common clients Housing of last resort – need for stable and safe housing Higher incidence of police involvement Cycle of poverty – long term dependence

9 Proposed Hub Location Bartholomew St., Brockville
Demographics and Profile 28 Townhouse Units 35 adults 10 Two adult families 15 Lone Parent families 66 Children (50% under 9yrs old)

10 Proposed Hub Location Bartholomew St., Brockville
Demographics and Profile High Turnover Rate / Evictions and Move -outs 8 in 2013 14 in 2014 3 Evictions for 2014 Costly to turn units around $4,000-9,000 Repairs $ per eviction for sheriff Long wait list for family units yet clients would rather wait than move to Bartholomew St.

11 Other Area Hubs Smiths Falls Brantford Oxford County
Rainbow Community House Brantford George Oxford County The Open Door at 909 James Street

12 The Rainbow Community House

13 The Rainbow Community House

14 The Rainbow Community House

15 The Rainbow Community House

16 The Rainbow Community House

17 The Open Door at 909 James Street

18 The Open Door at 909 James Street

19 Role of BPS, Community & Tenants
BPS Lead / coordinating agency UCLG Tenants Community Partners Advisory Committee

20 Evaluation Evaluation process Best Practices
Examples of measurable outcomes: Turnover Rate # of evictions and cost for sheriff Cost to get unit ready from eviction By-Law Complaints, Police Calls Program Attendance School Attendance

21 Next Steps Review your agencies commitment and support to project;
Provide a letter of commitment and support by December 12, 2014; Seek approval from the JSC and the county; Advisory committee

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