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H’Trinh Kpa Vocab List 4 6-10.

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Presentation on theme: "H’Trinh Kpa Vocab List 4 6-10."— Presentation transcript:

1 H’Trinh Kpa Vocab List 4 6-10

2 Culled (KUL) Verb Definition- To select or choose( someone or something ) from a group Sentence- I culled the banana last week. Good way to remember- When you choose or select an item from last week.

3 Inanity (ih-nan-i-tee) noun
Definition-lack of sense, significance, or ideas; silliness; foolishness Sentence- Bob inanity got him no where in the future. Good way to remember- When you cant focus on something or remember.

4 Spurn [spurn] Verb Definition – To reject with disdain; scorn
Sentence- I spurn the plastic bag that was on my foot. Good way to remember- When something is caught on your foot and you just want to get it off.

5 Inconsequential (in-kon-si-kwen-shuh) adjective
Definition- of little or no importance; insignificant; trivial. Sentence- Her inconsequential got her in a lot of trouble. Good way to remember- When you don’t really care about things.

6 Despondent [dih-spon-duh] adjective Definition-feeling or showing profound hopelessness, dejection, discouragement, or gloom Sentence- Sarah was despondent Good way to remember- depressed is the synonym of despondent

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