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Recent dissemination activities

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1 Recent dissemination activities
Cedefop Recent dissemination activities Education and Training Statistics Working Group Luxembourg, 2 June 2016,

2 Recent activities AES/CVTS: A study on the latest available rounds of AES/CVTS generating two publications SKILLS FORECASTS: European and national skill supply and demand forecasts for 2025: update 2015, based on Eurostat data, generating DB and publications ESJS: European Skills and Jobs Survey, analysis and dissemination of own survey results

3 AES/CVTS - 1 A statistical picture of:job-related adult learning and continuing vocational training in the EU Using Eurostat relevant data from: LFS as an entry point AES and CVTS to provide a richer, more detailed and more integrated picture. Selecting, presenting and analysing key statistics and indicators on: Types, forms, purposes, content, employer support and financing of adult learning as well as obstacles and barriers Available at: Released in 2015

4 AES/CVTS - 2 An advanced statistical analysis of:
Participation patterns in job-related non formal adult learning Using Eurostat AES microdata Using: multivariate logit models, pooled and by country Focusing on: variability of participation and in/equality based on key factors at and individual level, including socio-demographic background, education, labour market status, jobs and workplace characteristics Available at: Released in 2015

5 SKILLS FORECASTS Using Eurostat data: NA, LFS, POP
Using: complex econometric modelling Focusing on 3 main aggregates: employment, active population and job openings as well as relevant educational, occupational and sectoral breakdowns Generating: Summary and country specific publications Key on line tables Detailed results upon request Available at Update Released in 2015

6 Cedefop ESJS The survey:
Around adult employees interviewed across all 28 Member States To understand how their skills and qualifications match the needs of their jobs. to look at skill mismatch over time, taking account of changes in people’s skills and their job tasks. Based on their own assessement The Output Reference publication: Skills, qualifications and jobs in the EU: the making of a perfect match Set of web articles ( ESJ insights) Documentation and dissemination at:

7 Cedefop ESJS Qualification and skill mismatches in the EU workforce
Under employment and skill mismatch VET, young and mismatch Skills evolution and development

8 Plans Planned activities…
Continuing the update of Cedefop VET Statistical overviews: Likely on an annual basis to monitor levels and trends for a selection of key VET related indicators (UOE, LFS, CVTS, AES, etc) to support reporting on policy relevant progresses against 2010 baselines and thinking about… feasibility and options for further analysis of forthcoming CVTS LFS AHM 2016 (situation of young people in the labour market, with a view to VET and WBL) AES (with a view to guidance related variables)

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