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Registering for High School Classes

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1 Registering for High School Classes

2 Recommended Courses for College Admission
English 4 years Math 4 years Science 3-4 years Social Studies 3 years World language 2 years ***

3 *** World Language Requirement 2.0 Credits
Must be 2 credits of the same language OR one language credit and CTE completer OR extra Applied Arts credit Spanish German French Advanced Business Web Design Advanced Graphic Arts CAD/ENG1&2 Computer Aided Design/Engineering Child Development 1 and Computer Information Systems Construction 1 and Graphic Arts Hospitality Intro to Business Intro to CAD Intro to Foods Intro to Graphic Arts Marketing ROTC Yearbook

4 Anchor Bay High School Graduation Requirements
English 4.0 Credits English 9/Honors English 9 English 10/Honors English 10 English 11/AP Language and Composition English Electives- 2 Semesters/AP English Literature & Composition

5 Math 4.0 Credits 9th grade- Pre Algebra A&B or TARS Academy/Algebra 1/Geometry/Honors Geometry /Honors Geometry & Honors Algebra1/Honors Geometry & Honors Algebra 2 10th grade- Algebra A & B or TARS Academy/ Geometry/ Algebra 2/ Honors Algebra 2/ Honors Pre calculus 11th grade- Geometry A&B/ Algebra 2 or Part 1 and 2/ Honors Pre calculus or Stats / AP Calculus 12th grade- Algebra 2 A&B/ Algebra 2 Part 3 and 4/ Senior Math/ AP Calculus/ Calculus 2 and 3 (Dual Enrollment)

6 Science 3.0 Credits 9th grade- Biology / Honors Biology / TARS Academy Biology 10th grade- Chemistry/ Honors Chemistry / TARS Academy 11th grade- Science elective/ AP Chemistry 12th grade- Physics and/or Human Physiology / Physics and/or Honors Human Physiology

7 Social Studies 3.0 Credits
9th grade- US History 1 and 2 / Honors US History 1 and 2 10th grade- World History 1 and 2 / Honors World History 1 and 2 11th grade- US Government and Economics ( 1 semester each) / AP US Government (2 semesters)/ AP Psychology can be taken as an elective 12th grade- Psychology or Sociology / AP Psychology (Electives)/ AP US History, AP Psychology or Sociology can be taken as elective

8 Health and Physical Education 1.0 credit

9 Visual, Performing, Applied Arts 1.0 credit
Fine Arts Vocal and Instrumental Music Drama CTE courses

10 Electives 4-6 Credits Bands/Choir Landscape design Business Marketing
Web Design Child Development Hospitality Management Auto Service Technology Health Occupations STEM Classes Robotics Graphic Arts Construction Trades Computer Science ROTC

*HONORS DIPLOMA Cross discipline teaming Leadership seminars Optional summer leadership camp Participate on a publishing team – “The Dial” – Jr. year cooperative learning project Participation in “Founding Fathers Project” – Sr. year AP History cooperative learning Project Ability to participate in extra curricular activities (not available while attending IB) Coordinated intertwining of the instructional strategies: -rigorous problem based learning - cooperative learning experiences -smaller learning community strategies - long distance learning lab experience - planned intrinsic motivation strategies - Socratic method learning experiences Elective Pathways to enhance prep for college admissions to: Engineering -Bio Medical - Pre-law Programming I & II Health Occupations I & II Accounting Adv. Comp. Info. Systems Programming Business Management Robotics Web Design I & II CAD Drafting G.P.A. honor points awarded for academy courses provides the opportunity… to improve class rank and G.P.A. to compete for scholarships; to remove the risk of a taking challenging course. “the Academy feels compelled to recognize both internally and externally those who have excelled in our most demanding course”

12 High School Counselors
Melissa Kelch Counselor A-G 9th-12th (586) x2338 Greg Fowler Counselor H-P 9th-12th (586) x2336 Melanie George Counselor Q-Z 9th-12th (586) x2337 Amy DiStefano Teacher Consultant (586) x2335 Marc Patyi Social Worker (586) x2339

13 Honors Academy v Honors Classes
Honors Academy is a 4 year cohort program Honors Academy students are guaranteed Honors sections of courses Honors Academy students must maintain grades to continue with the program Honors Academy you have to test into the program Honors classes have prerequisites Honors classes can be taken intermittently Honors classes may not always be run in the master schedule

14 Honors English 9 A- Average in LA 8
B or better on Honors LA 8 semester exam

15 Honors US History 9 A- average in SS 8
B or better on HONORS SS 8 semester exam

16 Honors Biology 9 A- average in SCI 8
B or better on HONORS SCI 8 semester exam

17 Honors Geometry 9 B+ or better on ALGEBRA 1 semester exam

18 TARS ACADEMY For students who would benefit from support from transitioning from middle school to high school, need to build foundations in math and science and would benefit from teacher consistency. Enrollment is based on teacher, counselor or administrator recommendations. Tars Academy Pre-Algebra Tars Academy Biology } Must be taken concurrently.

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