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To be Met as a Person At Work

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Presentation on theme: "To be Met as a Person At Work"— Presentation transcript:

1 To be Met as a Person At Work

2 The Theory of Attachment Based Exploratory Interest Sharing

3 TABEIS Theory of Attachment Based Exploratory Interest Sharing
Care-seeking Caregiving Self defence/Fear The McCluskey Model, 2015 TABEIS Theory of Attachment Based Exploratory Interest Sharing = WORK Overview of the theory 12/09/2019

4 Careseeking from others
Work Relationship Communication Creativity A need arises Fear Self defence Interest sharing Careseeking from self Satisfaction Careseeking from others ill Health No work Poor work Fear How did fear get you? Back to previous slides – defensive caregiving? What does fear look like for you in work habits? Who are your caregivers?? No satisfaction 12/09/2019

5 Interests interest sharing
External Environment Internal Environment Care-seeking Caregiving Sexuality vitality Interests interest sharing Self defence/Fear The McCluskey Model, 2015 TABEIS Theory of Attachment Based Exploratory Interest Sharing = WORK You Overview of the theory 12/09/2019


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