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The Ending L/O: to evaluate the end of the novel

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1 The Ending L/O: to evaluate the end of the novel
Year 9 students stated “The ending of Purple Hibiscus was extremely disappointing; Adichie should have allowed the mother to take the responsibility for the death of Eugene (Papa)” How far would you agree with this statement? Discussion Points What do you think of the end of the novel? What is the cliff hanger? Do you agree that Jaja will be out of prison soon? How does Adichie leave the novel with a emblem of hope? Is the ending fitting? Decide – agree/disagree (one sided viewpoint) Select evidence from the ending of the book to support your view (6 quotes minimum) Write a response to the evaluation statement: Introduction – 3 ideas/adjectives to support your (re-word the statement – do not use I think) Main body of the essay – Each paragraph will use one of the ideas from the introduction. Remember to use evidence to support your argument. Predict the opposition and then knock them down Conclusion – summarise your argument and explain your viewpoint (no new evidence) Teacher to model the essay writing skills live with the class using the visualiser

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