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Open Days 2019 focus on underground visits sites

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1 Safety @ Open Days 2019 focus on underground visits sites
Feed back from the ED

2 Safety strategy 05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019

3 Safety strategy: Preventive measures
Electrical « Lock-out »(1) Try to keep only “Service Généraux” Secure UPS as much as possible Cryo « Lock-out » (all gas in general as much as possible)(1) Reduce storage as much as possible(2) Safety signage: from the web to the LHC Visitor pathways secure(2) (1) TIOC 03/04, G. Cumer – (2) Underground safety visits 30/ /06 05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019

4 Safety strategy: Radiation Protection
Memo RP “Radiation Protection requirements for Open Days 2019 visits in Radiation Areas” EDMS: /2 Date: Point 4 : the emergency exit through Point 3 validated. Radiation protection general information will be presented during the information sessions for the volunteers A handout will be sent (before the sessions) to the site managers (if needed) with the information concerning what to do Before the OD, During the OD, After the OD from the RP point of view On validation IMPACT process to monitor CERN guide’s dose : pilot test with ATLAS > OK ( ) Create all the IMPACTs : 05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019

5 Safety strategy: Underground capacity
23/01/2019: Proposal of LHC underground visit WP Leaders reproduce OD2013 and LS1 condition (limitation of 3 per/m2 in safe zones) from the study “LHC Evacuation Assessment for LS1”, EDMS 29/01/2019: Author of the study explain why it can not be extrapolated for OD2019 Public vs. workers, training, crowd management conditions (groups, distances, …) 22/02/2019: HSE proposes a different approach based on good practice in tunnel (with limitation of 2 per/m2 in safe zones) 05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019

6 Safety strategy: Underground capacity
New approach: Based on CETU(1) recommendation from «note d’information du CETU n°8 de novembre 1997 relative aux abris dans les tunnels routiers (§5 règlementation).» Un abri est un local sûr, isolé du feu et ventilé, dans lequel les usagers ont la possibilité d'être en communication avec les agents de surveillance jusqu'à ce que la situation soit maîtrisée et que les équipes d'intervention puissent les évacuer (…)” Surface - Capacité d'accueil : Pour un taux d'occupation de 2 personnes au mètre carré, un abri d'une surface de 50 m2peut accueillir 100 personnes. (…) On vérifie que l'abri peut contenir les usagers des véhicules arrêtés sur une file (160 véhicules par kilomètre) sur 400m à raison de1,3 personne en moyenne par véhicule. Ceci est le cas des véhicules bloqués dans un tunnel à un seul tube à deux voies, avec un trafic bidirectionnel. Les usagers qui se trouvent en aval de l'incendie sont censés pouvoir sortir en voiture.  (1): “Centre d’Etude des Tunnels”, 05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019

7 Safety strategy: Underground capacity
First theoretical impact prepared in February 2019: 1092 visits per hour to 996 visits: -8,7% Main impact ALICE 240 to 204, CMS 300 to 240. 05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019

8 CMS Safe zone SDX5 W2 64 m2 18 m2 05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019

9 Safety strategy: Underground capacity
05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019

10 Safety strategy: Underground capacity
Vist/h Vist/2d 3 pers/m2 1 026 20 520 2 pers/m2 1 005 20 100 Differential 2% 05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019

11 Safety strategy: Technical support (for LHC part)
« Piquet Ascenseur » physically on each LHC site « Piquet Ventilation » physically on each LHC site « Piquet Electrique » physically on each LHC site « Piquet RP » physically on several LHC sites LEXGLIMOS (or deputy) physically on LHC site Dedicated TI operator for OD Coordination centre (160) Specific TETRA network in collaboration with IT 05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019

12 Safety strategy: Emergency support
First-aid point with FB and hosts state support 41 Fire-fighters form CERN 44 Fire-fighters / Paramedic form hosts states Underground guides and Crowed-Marshal trained ”CERN first aider” « Piquet HSE Accident/prevention » physically on several LHC sites 05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019

13 Safety strategy: Training for volunteer
Mandatory Courses (CERN personel) OD2019 "Gestes qui sauvent" Radiation Protection Communication OD 2019 Roles Vest color Safety at CERN Emergency Evacutaion Radiation protection Awareness Fire extinguisher for OD2019 First aider OD2019 Defibrillator OD2019 Radiation protection Supervised Areas Tetra OD2019 General Session OD2019 Visit and Evacuation Itinerary OD2019 Check-in tent Flow Control x (x) Gate agent ​Crowd Marshal OD Flow Updaters T-Shirt ​Underground Guide Guide Surface ​Guide x (si ZS) ​Activity Animator ​Lecturer Info Agent Info Shop ​Traffic/parking Traffic Parking (X) Logistics Helper Organisation Site Manager Safety/1st Aid White cross @ LMS Amphitheatre TBD Already available June -> August September 05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019

14 People with limited mobility
05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019 – EDMS

15 People with limited mobility in LHC
Special pathways technically accessible for wheelchair ED – Open days 2019

16 People with limited mobility in LHC
Emergency plan made in collaboration with hosts states Inspire by FR/CH regulations Dispositif previsionnel de secours (FR) Directives pour l’organisation du service sanitaire lors de manifestations (CH) Define a “ratio” of resources after analysis based on: Effectif et comportement du public ; Caractéristiques de l'environnement et accessibilité du site ; Délai d'intervention des secours publics, 05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019

17 People with limited mobility in LHC
Based on resources already found and CERN Fire Brigade initial analysis Still 20 external Fire-fighters / Paramedic to be found Memo about Rescue Operations and Handicapped visitors - OD2019 EDMS Each point with limited mobility public needs 4 external Fire-fighters and 1 CERN Fire-fighter pre-positioned with one fire truck “dedicated” Very low chance to found adequate resources for the 3 LHC points 05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019

18 People with limited mobility in LHC
Proposal: Make it possible for point LHC5 – CMS (already almost done) Extend to LHC6 is not recommended Extend to LHC4 is not recommended 05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019 – EDMS


20 ED – Safety @ Open days 2019 – EDMS 2166516
Back-up slides 05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019 – EDMS

21 ED – Safety @ Open days 2019 – EDMS 2166516
Web Ticketing / print Site entry (A0): Meyrin, Prevessin, LHC … 11 Group forming area (A1) 35 LHC lifts (A2) 5 05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019 – EDMS

22 ED – Safety @ Open days 2019 – EDMS 2166516
05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019 – EDMS

23 At 3.8 persons/m2 movement ceases
Maximum admissible crowding in safe zones 3 persons/m2 4 persons/m2 3 ≤ d ≤ 4 Tolerated only for very short periods d < 3 Acceptable d > 4 Not acceptable Nominal value 3 persons/m2 Maximum value 4 persons/m2 Art. L 3 of the ERP regulation fixes a maximum crowding of 3 persons/m2 for people attending an event in a room without chairs or benches. From the study “LHC Evacuation Assessment for LS1”, EDMS At 3.8 persons/m2 movement ceases Point Underground zone Nominal max occupants n. (3 pp/m2) 5 US56 63 EDMS No V2 S. La Mendola DGS/SEE

24 ED – Safety @ Open days 2019 – EDMS 2166516
05/11/2019 ED – Open days 2019 – EDMS

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