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Investigations undertaken in quarters 1, 2 & 3 of the 2017/18 financial year Ruthven Janse van Rensburg WCG-SCOPA 19 September 2018

2 Provincial Forensic Services
Reference: 2/11/2/R Enquiries: Ruthven Janse van Rensburg Mr F C Christians Chairperson: Public Accounts Committee P O Box 648 Cape Town 8000 Dear Mr Christians BRIEFING BY PROVINCIAL FORENSIC SERVICES The Provincial Forensic Services (PFS) were requested to brief the Committee on the investigations that were undertaken in the Western Cape Government during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters of the 2017/18 financial year. I am pleased to submit our presentation herewith. Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (021) Yours sincerely Ruthven Janse van Rensburg Chief Director: Provincial Forensic Services Date: WCG-SCOPA 1 April 17 – 31 Dec 17

3 Case Load Reconciliation – All Departments

4 Case Load Reconciliation – All Departments
PFS Cases as at 1 April 2017 37 Q1 - Q3 17/18 - New Cases 29 Q1 - Q3 17/18 - Closed Cases (28) Q1 - Q3 17/18 - Referred Cases (1) Cases as at 31 December 2017 CASE LOAD ON HAND AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2017 PFS In Progress cases (Refer to Slide 5) 21 Cases not yet started (at 31 December 2017) 16 WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

5 Investigations in progress during Q1, Q2 and Q3 2017-18
No PFS reference Department Allegation Type How Reported 1 FIU /15 T & PW Alleged Fraud WCG Ethics Reporting Line 2 FIU 91-15/16 DSD Departmental Referral 3 FIU 93-15/16 Alleged Corruption National Anti-Corruption Hotline 4 FIU /16 5 FIU /16 WCED Whistle-blower 6 PFS Alleged Theft 7 PFS 8 PFS HEALTH 9 PFS 10 PFS 11 PFS Alleged Financial Irregularities 12 PFS 13 PFS Alleged Nepotism 14 PFS HS 15 PFS 16 PFS DEADP 17 PFS DOTP 18 PFS 19 PFS 20 PFS DOCS Department Referral 21 PFS WCG-SCOPA Statistics 1st, 2nd & 3rd quarters 2017/18

6 Cases closed between 1 April 2017 and 31 December 2017
PFS Number Allegation Type Dept Date file closed Outcome Financial Implications - Rand Amount PFS Alleged Corruption WCED 2017/04/26 Fraud and/or Corruption/Irregularity and/or Non Compliance n/a FIU /16 Alleged Fraud 2017/05/26 Fraud and/or Corruption, Theft, Irregularity and/or Non Compliance R7  (Fraud and Theft) FIU 23-16/17 HEALTH 2017/05/29 Only Preliminary Investigation required PFS Health 2017/05/30 PFS Other 2017/05/24 Only Preliminary Investigation with recommendations PFS R (Fraud) PFS DOCS Non-compliance FIU 59-14/15 Procurement Fraud 2017/06/29 PFS Alleged Theft 2017/07/31 R96  (Fraud and Theft) PFS 2017/07/18 Fraud and Theft R (Fraud and Theft) FIU 84-15/16 2017/08/18 Irregularity and/or Non-Compliance PFS Alleged appoinment irregularities 2017/08/16 PFS 2017/08/10 PFS Theft T & PW 2017/08/17 Referred PFS Alleged Financial Irregularities WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

7 Cases closed between 1 April 2017 and 31 December 2017
PFS Number Allegation Type Dept Date file closed Outcome Financial Implications - Rand Amount PFS Alleged Fraud DSD 2017/09/21 Only Preliminary Investigation with recommendations n/a PFS Alleged Financial Irregularities WCED 2017/09/29 Only Preliminary Investigation required PFS Alleged Corruption DCAS Irregularity and/or Non-Compliance R886  (Irregular expenditure) PFS Other LG 2017/10/09 Fraud and/or Corruption, Theft, Irregularity and/or Non Compliance PFS HEALTH 2017/10/30 No Investigation PFS 2017/10/24 PFS Fraud/and or theft 2017/11/21 Fraud and Irregularity and /or Non Compliance R (Fraud) PFS Fraud R (Fraud) FIU 4-15/16 2017/12/15 Corruption/Irregularity and/or Non Compliance R (Irregular expenditure) FIU 33-15/16 Nepotism 2017/12/07 Corruption FIU 31-16/17 R (Fraud and irregular expenditure) PFS 2017/12/11 Corruption and Irregularity PFS DEDAT 2017/12/12 PFS HS 2017/12/14 WCG-SCOPA Statistics 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarter 2017/2018

8 Outcomes of completed cases – All Departments
WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

9 Recommendations made for the period – All Departments
Status of implementation of Disciplinary Action Recommendations as at 30 June 2018 WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

10 Recommendations made for the period – All Departments
Status of implementation of Control/Other Recommendations as at 30 June 2018 WCG-SCOPA Statistics 3rd quarter

11 Recommendations made for the period – All Departments
Status of implementation of Civil Action Recommendations as at 30 June 2018 WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

12 Criminal cases – All Departments
PFS recommended criminal action (SAPS cases) in 7 cases finalised during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2017/2018. WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

13 Department of Health

14 Outcomes of Completed Cases
WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

15 Recommendations made for the period
Status of implementation of Disciplinary Action Recommendations as at 30 June 2018 WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

16 Recommendations made for the period
Status of implementation of Control/Other Recommendations as at 30 June 2018 WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

17 Recommendations made for the period
Status of implementation of Civil Action Recommendations as at 30 June 2018 WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

18 Criminal cases PFS recommended criminal action (SAPS cases) in 2 cases finalised during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2017/2018. WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

19 Department of Education

20 Outcomes of Completed Cases
WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

21 Recommendations made for the period
Status of implementation of Disciplinary Action Recommendations as at 30 June 2018 WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

22 Recommendations made for the period
Status of implementation of Control/Other Recommendations as at 30 June 2018 WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

23 Recommendations made for the period
Status of implementation of Civil Action Recommendations as at 30 June 2018 WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

24 Criminal cases PFS recommended criminal action (SAPS cases) in 4 cases finalised during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2017/2018. WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

25 Department of Transport and Public Works

26 Outcomes of Completed Cases
WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

27 Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport

28 Outcomes of Completed Case
WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

29 Recommendations made for the period
Status of implementation of Disciplinary Action Recommendations as at 30 June 2018 WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

30 Recommendations made for the period
Status of implementation of Control/Other Recommendations as at 30 June 2018 WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

31 Department of Economic Development and Tourism

32 Outcome of completed case
WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

33 Department of Community Safety

34 Outcomes of Completed Cases
WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

35 Recommendations made for the period
Status of implementation of Disciplinary Action Recommendations as at 30 June 2018 WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

36 Department of Social Development

37 Outcomes of Completed Cases
WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

38 Recommendations made for the period
Status of implementation of Control/Other Recommendations as at 30 June 2018 WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

39 Department of Human Settlements

40 Outcomes of Completed Cases
WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

41 Department of Local Government

42 Outcomes of Completed Cases
WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

43 Criminal cases PFS recommended criminal action (SAPS cases) in one case finalised during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarter of 2017/2018. WCG-SCOPA 1 Apr 17 – 31 Dec 17

44 Thank you


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