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Case 25. Case 25. This patient presented with a decreased level of consciousness and was treated with intra-arterial nimodipine for symptomatic cerebral.

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Presentation on theme: "Case 25. Case 25. This patient presented with a decreased level of consciousness and was treated with intra-arterial nimodipine for symptomatic cerebral."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case 25. Case 25. This patient presented with a decreased level of consciousness and was treated with intra-arterial nimodipine for symptomatic cerebral vasospasm following SAH.A and B, Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) angiograms of the left internal carotid artery show vasospasm at the level of the carotid siphon, the terminal internal carotid artery, the A1 segment of the ACA, and the MCA.C and D, Anteroposterior (C) and lateral (D) angiograms obtained after intra-arterial injection of nimodipine 3 mg into the internal carotid artery demonstrate an increased diameter of the vessels. The patient’s clinical condition rapidly improved after treatment. Alessandra Biondi et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2004;25: ©2004 by American Society of Neuroradiology

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