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Year 1- Hummingbird Home Challenges Homework

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1 Year 1- Hummingbird Home Challenges Homework
READING- Children will have a reading book inside their reading wallet. Please ensure these are returned daily with any letters/ notes inside. These will be checked daily. Please write in when you read with your child (it doesn't have to be a whole book). Children are expected to read daily and will be encouraged to change their books independently. Please talk with your child about the coloured book band they are on to ensure that they select books from the correct basket. SPELLINGS- These will go home termly in the reading wallets. Please learn these spellings with your child. Spelling test will take place on a Friday Below are some homework challenges that are OPTIONAL. Children are not expected to complete these but can if they wish. Please send in any completed challenges to share! These are only ideas. The challenges are linked to our key text ‘The Jolly Postman and other people’s letters’ STREET DETECTIVE Go on a walk around your local area. What can you see? What have you passed? Create your own map FAIRYTALE LAND BUILDER Talk about different fairytales and the characters and places visited. Create your own model house/town. DESIGNER Create an image of your favourite fairytale character using any media of your choice. VISIT YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY Visit your local library and see what different fairytales you can find. Which was your favourite? Why? BAKE BAKE BAKE! Bake a cake/bread like the characters in the story. What ingredients do you need? What steps do you need to follow? BE AN AUTHOR Create your own alternative fairytale. You may want to use different characters from different stories and put them all together.

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