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Assigning a Shortcut Key to an existing Macro

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1 macros to add a HEADING from an authority record into a bibliographic record

2 Assigning a Shortcut Key to an existing Macro
Assigning a Shortcut Key to an OCLC Macro allows you to quickly browse the authority index from the bibliographic record without using either the Authorities in the Main Navigation bar or the Authorities icon to bring up the authorities search box. Using the Authorities tab on the Navigation Bar or using the Authorities icon often time is cumbersome. Taking advantage of the system installed Macro for browsing the authority index (BrowseAuthorityIndex) and assigning a Keymap to that Macro makes searching the authority file faster. OCLC also has a Macro for inserting the said heading into your record which can also be accomplished by assigning a Keymap to InsertHeading.

3 To assign a shortcut for browsing the authority index, click on Tools in the Main Navigation bar, and click on Keymaps to open. In the Main Navigation bar click on Tools->Keymaps.

4 Keymaps opens to the default setting
Keymaps opens to the default setting. In the Display Commands for Category box, change the Radio Button to Macros. Click on the plus sign next to OCLC to open all the possible OCLC assigned Macros. Keymaps opens with the Display Command for Category radio button defaulting to Menu Item. You must change the radio button to Macro in order to see the OCLC Macros. Once the Macro radio button is displayed, you need to open the OCLC tab, by clicking the plus sign.

5 Choose BrowseAuthorityIndex by highlighting the Macro, then in the Press New Shortcut Key box add the Shortcut Key of your choice. If the Shortcut Key you choose is already assigned to a function, a message Shortcut Key Assigned to will appear. An accepted Shortcut Key will appear in Current Shortcut Key. In this case, I chose the Shortcut Key of Alt+A. Once you have selected the Macro and the Shortcut Key click Assign and OK Now that your OCLC Macros are displayed, highlight BrowseAuthorityIndex to add the Shortcut Key. In the box titled Press New Shortcut Key, type in the Shortcut key you wish to use. I chose Alt+A. Then click on Assign.

6 If the Shortcut Key has not been assigned to any other Macro, Text String, Menu item, or Character it will be accepted and display in the Current Shortcut Keys box. To complete the task click on OK and your Shortcut Key will be enabled for you to search the Authority file by using your assigned Shortcut Key or Keymap.

7 Using the same process for assigning a Keymap to the OCLC assigned Macro, InsertHeading
To take advantage of inputting the heading into your record without copying and pasting assign a Shortcut Key to the Macro InsertHeading using the same process. Once you have found the correct heading to input into your record use your Shortcut Key for the InsertHeading macro and voila, the correct heading appears in your record.

8 Listing of Keymaps already in use
User defined Shortcut Keys All Shortcut Keys To view a list of all the user-defined Shortcut Keys click on the Tools tab, Keymaps and List all. To view a list of all Shortcut Keys, system default and user-defined, click on the View tab, and Assigned Keys.

Authority browse display Bibliographic record Here is a bibliographic record that needs to have the correct linkage to Sharon Lee, the author of speculative fiction books that she writes with her husband Steve Miller. Place your cursor so that MARC tag 100 is highlighted, use your Shortcut Key that you assigned to BrowseAuthorityIndex. A browse display is shown beginning with Lee, Sharon. Look through the authority records as usual until you find the correct authority record. Sharon Lee, 1952 authority record

10 InsertHeading display
Once in the correct authority record use your Shortcut Key for InsertHeading. A box appears that is asking you if you wish to replace Lee, Sharon, author in the bibliographic record with Lee, Sharon, author which you found in the authority file. Click YES and the bibliographic record now has the correct linkage for Sharon Lee, speculative fiction writer who writes with her husband, Steve Miller. After you have inserted the correct heading, you will still need to control the heading by your preferred method of controlling headings. If you are performing these functions on an added entry (MARC 7XX) the MARC tag in the bibliographic record will remain a 7XX. This procedure works for name authority records, subject headings and series. If you have a subject heading string, it will only work if there is an authority record for the entire string. Correct heading displayed in the bibliographic record

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