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LPS inhibits polyI:C-induced proinflammatory cytokines in human DCs

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1 LPS inhibits polyI:C-induced proinflammatory cytokines in human DCs
LPS inhibits polyI:C-induced proinflammatory cytokines in human DCs. mo-DCs were exposed to 100 ng/mL of LPS, 5 μg/mL of polyI:C, or their combination. LPS inhibits polyI:C-induced proinflammatory cytokines in human DCs. mo-DCs were exposed to 100 ng/mL of LPS, 5 μg/mL of polyI:C, or their combination. IL-12p70 was measured (A; n = 13) as was TNFα (B; n = 9), IL-1β (C; n = 7), IP-10 (D; n = 3), and IL-10 (E; n = 13) by cytokine bead array (CBA) and Luminex (range from 3–13 healthy donors). The combination of LPS and polyI:C induced significantly lower amounts of IL-12p70, TNFα, IL-1β, and IP-10 than polyI:C alone, while inducing significantly higher amounts of IL-10 than LPS alone. mo-DCs were exposed to a suboptimal dose of 500 ng/mL of polyI:C and given increasing doses of LPS while monitoring levels of IL-12p70 and IL-10 (F). IL-12p70 levels were measured in mo-DCs that were either left untreated, exposed to blocking antibodies to IL-10 and IL-10R, IgG2/IgG1 control antibody, or they were preexposed to recombinant IL-10 (G; carried out in triplicates, in 3 donors). Dusan Bogunovic et al. Cancer Res 2011;71: ©2011 by American Association for Cancer Research

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