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Welcome to Reception Italy 2019/2020.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Reception Italy 2019/2020."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Reception Italy 2019/2020

2 (Development Matters Document)
The Curriculum The children are continuing their journey through the statutory Foundation Stage Framework (Development Matters Document) We want happy, independent explorers prepared to take risks with their learning

3 Areas of Learning

4 How Children Learn

5 Expectations At the end of the year we report back to you on if your child has reached a ‘Good Level of Development’ In each area of learning there is an Early Learning Goal.

6 An example: Writing Early Learning Goal
Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible

7 Learning Children learn best through practical and active learning, both inside and outside Your children’s interests and needs will feed directly into our planning We have themes/topics We will challenge your children to make next steps in their progress

8 General timetable

9 Parents as Partners You know your children best!
‘Wow’ moments to share with us from home Each Friday ‘Weekend Books’ go home Arriving at school on time is very important! If there is an issue please speak to us

10 Reading Phonics the building blocks for reading and writing.
15 mins daily, learning new sounds and the skills of blending and segmenting. Children will take books home to practice reading once they are confident with these skills. Phonics workshop to be presented before half term…date to follow.

11 Housekeeping Mrs Cook and Mrs Stokes to cover P.P.A on Friday PM
All the children have Year 6 buddies Library-Fridays PE-Every Thursday-Mr Berry (Sports Coach) Golden Time each week-children decide Spare clothes and wellies Named water bottles in classroom

12 Communication and where to find it….
School weekly newsletter – every Friday School Website/Class page Twitter – This contains a range of things we are celebrating and gives more of an insight into what is going on in school Tapestry-please add comments and add your own observations Termly Reception Newsletter Texts from the office

13 Reception Any Questions?

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