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Abductor sign in a patient with organic paresis and a patient with non-organic paresis. Abductor sign in a patient with organic paresis and a patient with.

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Presentation on theme: "Abductor sign in a patient with organic paresis and a patient with non-organic paresis. Abductor sign in a patient with organic paresis and a patient with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abductor sign in a patient with organic paresis and a patient with non-organic paresis.
Abductor sign in a patient with organic paresis and a patient with non-organic paresis. White arrow, movement; white circle, non-movement of the unabducted leg. (A), (B): a 49 year old man with multiple sclerosis presenting with left leg paresis (organic). (A) The patient abducts the sound right leg; the unabducted paretic leg moves in the hyperadducting direction. (B) The patient abducts the paretic left leg; the unabducted sound leg remains in its original position. (C), (D): a 45 year old woman with hysterical paresis overlaying radicular injury presenting with left leg paresis (non-organic). (C) The patient abducts the sound right leg; the unabducted “paretic” leg remains in its original position. (D) The patient abducts the paretic left leg; the unabducted “sound” leg moves in the hyperadducting direction. M Sonoo J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75: ©2004 by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

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