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Published byAlbert Owen Modified over 5 years ago
DSD First Quarter Performance and Expenditure Report (1 April 2018 – 30 June 2018) Draft Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 29 August 2018 Portfolio Commitee
Performance per programme Summary of Expenditure
Overview Purpose Strategic priorities Programmes purpose Performance Summary Performance per programme Summary of Expenditure Expenditure per programme Portfolio Commitee
Purpose Purpose: To inform the Portfolio Committee of :
The Department’s performance against its pre-determined objectives for the first quarter of 2018/19 financial year; The State of Expenditure of the Department at the end of the first quarter of 2018/19 financial year. Portfolio Commitee
Strategic Priorities The Department has identified and committed itself to addressing the following key priorities for the MTSF : Expand Child and Youth Care Services (Isibindi programme) Social Welfare Sector Reform and services to deliver better results Deepening Social Assistance and Extending the scope of Social Security Increase access to Early Childhood Development (ECD) Strengthening Community Development interventions Combat Substance Abuse and Gender-Based Violence Increase household food & nutrition security (Food for All) The protection and promotion of the rights of older persons and people with disabilities Establish Social Protection Systems to strengthen coordination, integration, planning, M&E of services Portfolio Commitee
Programmes Purpose The Department consist for five programme and their purposes are as follows: Programme 1: Administration To provide leadership, management and support services to the Department and the Social Development Sector. Programme 2: Social Assistance To provide social assistance to eligible beneficiaries in terms of the Social Assistance Act and its regulations. Programme 3: Social Security Policy and Administration To provide for social security policy development, administration of social grants, administrative justice and the reduction of incorrect benefits payments. Programme 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation Support To create an enabling environment for the delivery of equitable developmental welfare services through the formulation of policies, norms and standards and best practices and support implementing agencies. Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery To support community development and promote evidence-based policy making in the Department and the Social Development Sector Portfolio Commitee
Performance Summary Portfolio Commitee
Standard Reporting Format and Rating System
For the quarterly report and for ease of analysis, the colour coding/rating system (green, amber and red), is used to rate progress towards meeting pre-determined targets and objectives. On course – no major action needed Moderate risk that some problems exist and as a result the target will not be achieved in the planned time frames- remedial action is needed to avoid this. Certainty that the target will not be achieved or was not achieved in the planned timeframes- major remedial action and urgent intervention is required 7 Portfolio Commitee
Performance Per Programme
Portfolio Commitee
APRIL 2018 – JUNE 2018 Portfolio Commitee
Achievement of Targets per Programme: 2018-19 Quarter 1 Report
No. of Targets Achieved No. of targets that were partially achieved No. of targets not achieved Total Targets % contribution of the programme to the APP targets Programme 1 5 2 1 8 14.5% Programme 2 Programme 3 2% Programme 4 13 4 22 40% Programme 5 12 16 29% 39 6 10 55 100% Note: Although the Department has a total of 62 APP annual targets, some were not applicable for reporting during the first quarter, i.e. 4 targets in Programme 3 Portfolio Commitee
Portfolio Commitee
Summary of Performance for Quarter 1
During the first quarter reporting period ( 1 April – 30 June 2018). 69% of the targets were fully achieved, while 11% were partially achieved and 20% of the targets were not achieved The reasons for non-achievement of 20% of the targets includes targets that DSD had to reconsider in line with the new trajectory of its reconfirmed mandate. This has implications for an errata on the APP: among others these targets included programmes such as: Delays on the finalization of the alignment of the Human Resource Management Strategy that had to be in line with the overall Sector Wide Social Development Strategy; DSD had to reconfirm and reposition itself on its role and functions on the entities that reports to the Minister of DSD: implications for the review of the legislations that establishes SASSA, NDA as well as CDA; DSD reconsidered to submit the Social Assistance Amendment Bill, the Social Crime on Victims Support Services Bill for an errata as well as Operation Phakisa, Programme Mikondzo, and Development of Community Based Workers Programme Portfolio Commitee
Portfolio Commitee
Portfolio Commitee
Programme 1: Administration
Human Capital Management and International Relations Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Implementation of the key elements of the SHRP Alignment and approval of provincial generic structure within the national structure The target in quarter 1 could not be achieved as result of the delays to confirm the review of the new DSD strategy. DSD had to revise and reposition its mandate. Facilitate DSD participation in 8 international engagements Facilitate DSD participation in 2 international engagements Facilitated DSD participation in the UN; IBSA; Netherlands; and USA. The Department also participation in 2 Cross Border Meetings and 3 JICA/DSD Partnership Engagements No deviation Portfolio Commitee
Programme 1: Administration
Information Management and Entity Oversight Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Establish NISIS development governance framework and enhance existing data sources Define and analyse Community development business processes for existing systems (NPO, community based interventions monitoring systems (CBIMS) and NISIS) Signed integration definition and analysis report for community development existing systems No deviation Annual assessment of compliance of entities to the department’s governance and oversight framework Stakeholder management plan developed Stakeholder management plan was developed and internal engagements were undertaken Portfolio Commitee
Programme 1: Administration
Entity Oversight Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Annual assessment of compliance of entities to the department’s governance and oversight framework Terms of reference (ToR) developed for the entity management forum DSD initiated a review of its oversight function over Entities in line with relevant legislations. Oversight Management Forums meet and provide an opportunity for DSD to monitor the performance of its entities, including, SASSA and NDA. Development and approval of governance and capacity building standards Analysis of governance strategic gaps in entities has begun, with a focus on SASSA DSD Entities had not reviewed their Acts All DSD entities had to review their Acts Portfolio Commitee
Programme 1: Administration
M&E and Finance Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Conduct an evaluation on Project Mikondzo Approval of the study design and scope of project Mikondzo Inception report outlining the study design and scope of evaluation of Project Mikondzo was presented to the steering committee for inputs. Revised inception report submitted to the steering committee for approval. The Steering Committee recommended that the inception report needed major revisions before the report could be approved. This timeframe for approval of the inception report was therefore extended. It was resolved that approval will be done electronically to speed up the process and avoid further delays on the project Unqualified audit report on AFS AFS for the 2017/18 financial year The AFS for the 2017/18 FY was submitted to AG and National Treasury for final audit. No deviation Portfolio Commitee
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Programme 2: Social Assistance
Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Older persons grant- No deviation Child support grant- War veterans grant-107 130 124 Disability grant Dependency grant- Foster child grant Grant-in-aid- Social Relief of Distress (SRD) applications awarded 42 051 86 471 Portfolio Commitee
Portfolio Commitee
Portfolio Commitee
Programme 3: Social Security Policy and Administration
Social Security Policy Development Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Submit the draft Social Assistance Amendment Bill to Cabinet for approval Submit the policy to Cabinet for approval Target not achieved This target had to be considered for an errata given the reconsiderations on all the relevant legislations in line with the Comprehensive Social Security Policy. Portfolio Commitee
Portfolio Commitee
Portfolio Commitee
Professional Social Services and Older Persons
Programme 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation Support Professional Social Services and Older Persons Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Develop an implementation Plan for the Demand and Supply model for SSPs Costing of the Demand and Supply Model for Social Service Practitioners Developed the costing report of the Supply and Demand Model for Social Service Practitioners No deviation Submit the Social Service Practitioners Bill to Forum of South African Directors- General (FOSAD) Submit the Social Service Practitioners Bill to Cabinet for approval and gazette for public comments Submission of the Social Service Practitioners Bill to Cabinet for public comments could not be done. Delays in receiving the precertification from the Office of the Chief State Law Advisor, which is a prerequisite for approval by Cabinet. Once the Draft Bill has been certified by OCSLA, the Draft Bill will be submitted to Cabinet structures for approval Portfolio Commitee
Professional Social Services and Older Persons & ECD
Programme 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation Support Professional Social Services and Older Persons & ECD Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Conduct Older Person Parliament and Active Ageing Programme Develop concept document for Older Persons Parliament and Active Ageing programme Concept document on Older Persons Parliament and Active Ageing Programme developed No deviation Monitor the implementation of the National Integrated Implementation Plan on ECD Policy Consolidated quarterly reports on the implementation of the National Integrated Implementation Plan on ECD policy The report on the National Integrated Implementation Plan on ECD policy has been consolidated Portfolio Commitee
Children Services, Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC)
Programme 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation Support Children Services, Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Approval of the National Plan of Action for Children in South Africa by Present the National Plan of Action for Children to the social sector stakeholders Presented the National Plan of Action for Children to the National Children’s Rights Interpectoral Coordinating Committee in April The following Provinces were also consulted on the NPAC during April – June 2018, i.e. KZN, MPU, NC. and EC. No deviation Monitor the implementation of the Children’s Act As part of monitoring the implementation of the Children’s Act, the Department conducted three provincial engagements in NC, WC, and FS. Developed and disseminated a reporting template for the implementation of the Children’s Act. Portfolio Commitee
Children Services, Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC)
Programme 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation Support Children Services, Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Submit the Child Care and Protection Policy to Cabinet for approval Submit the Child Care and Protection Policy to the social sector forums Submitted and Presented the National Child Care and Protection Policy at the Development Committee in May 2018 and the Social Protection Community and Human Development Cluster in June 2018. No deviation Develop uniform implementation guidelines for provinces Develop draft implementation guidelines Draft guidelines on community based prevention and early intervention services to vulnerable children were developed Portfolio Commitee
Children Services, Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC)
Programme 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation Support Children Services, Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Capacitate 9 provinces to implement guidelines and strategies for adoption, foster care and Child and Youth Care Centres (CYCCs) Capacitate 3 provinces to implement the guidelines and strategies for adoption, foster care and CYCCs Capacity building was conducted on the Register of Adoptable children and prospective adoptive parents in Gauteng and KZN. 3 provinces (EC, LP and MP) were also capacitated on the implementation guidelines from the North Gauteng High Court Order that validates lapsed foster care orders, as well as the electronic foster care monitoring. Child and Youth Care Centres Provinces delayed in providing dates to be capacitated The outstanding provinces will be capacitated in the next Quarter. Escalate the non-compliance matter for discussion at Child Care and Protection Forum, Welfare Services Forum and HSDS and make it a standing agenda item for reporting by provinces Portfolio Commitee
Children Services, Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC)
Programme 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation Support Children Services, Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Develop the Inter- sectoral protocol Develop the draft inter- sectoral protocol Draft inter-sectoral protocol was developed No deviation Build capacity in 9 provinces on Active Teenage Parenting Programme Capacity building of one province to implement the Teenage Parenting As part of providing capacity to provinces to implement Programme, training was conducted in Free State in June 2018 Portfolio Commitee
Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment
Programme 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation Support Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Capacity Building in 9 provinces to implement the reviewed policy framework on Accreditation of Diversion Services Approval of the reviewed Policy framework on Accreditation of Diversion Services The reviewed Policy Framework on Accreditation of Diversion Services was submitted and approved by Cabinet in May 2018 No deviation Conduct awareness campaigns in 9 provinces on multidisciplinary Integrated Social Crime Prevention Strategy Conduct awareness campaigns in 2 provinces on multidisciplinary Integrated Social Crime Prevention Strategy Two awareness campaigns were conducted in Eastern Cape and Limpopo in June 2018 Portfolio Commitee
Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment
Programme 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation Support Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Submit the Bill on Victim Empowerment Support Services to FOSAD Publish the Bill on Victim Empowerment Support Services for public comments The Bill on Victim Support Services has not been published for public comments The target has been refined to accommodate inputs from the JCPS cluster Submit the reviewed South African Integrated Programme of Action that addresses Gender Based Violence to Cabinet for approval Appointment of a service provider to review the South African Integrated Programme of Action addressing Gender Based Violence A service provider has been appointed to review the South African Integrated Programme of Action addressing Gender Based Violence No deviation Portfolio Commitee
Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment
Programme 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation Support Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Submit draft Anti- Substance Abuse Policy to Cabinet for approval Seek approval to consult the policy with National cluster departments Presented the Draft Policy to the Devcom Cluster for approval No deviation Submit draft National Drug Master Plan to Cabinet Finalised draft NDMP and resubmit to Cabinet Finalised and presented the National Drug Master Plan Implementation Plan to the Departments under FOSAD in May 2018 and also to the Economic Cluster on 23 May for re-submission to Cabinet. Portfolio Commitee
Rights of Persons with disabilities
Programme 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation Support Rights of Persons with disabilities Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Submit draft Policy on Social Development Services to Persons with Disability to Social Protection, Community and Human Development (SPCH) cluster Redrafting of the Draft Policy to align it with the White Paper on Social Development The Policy has been redrafted and aligned to the draft white Paper on Social Development. The redrafted Policy was shared with key national departments for inputs before finalising the policy. No deviation Submit National Strategic Framework on Disability Rights Awareness Campaigns to Cabinet for approval Consultative workshop on Disability Rights Framework awareness campaign Desktop research for the two frameworks has been completed and research reports developed The draft structure of the two frameworks has been completed and the frameworks will be finalised at the end of July The consultative framework will only follow after completion of the frameworks Portfolio Commitee
Rights of Persons with disabilities
Programme 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation Support Rights of Persons with disabilities Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action One compliance report on implementation of the WPRPD; and one periodic report on the UNCRPD, submitted to Cabinet for approval Drafting of responses with the technical team and consultation with the stakeholders SA’s Response to UN List of Issues in relation to the UNCRPD Baseline Country Report was drafted, approved and submitted to DIRCO in May 2018. No deviation Portfolio Commitee
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Portfolio Commitee
Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery
Special Projects Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Actual Outputs 2018/2019 Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Develop phase IV of the Social Sector Plan through the EPWP Draft phase IV of the Social Sector Plan through the EPWP As part of producing the draft phase IV of Social Sector Plan, the Consultation session with the Social Sector was convened. This will be reported in the 2nd Quarter Portfolio Commitee
Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery
Population and Development Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Actual Outputs 2018/2019 Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Produce 9 reports on the implementation of the Population Policy Country report to the UNCPD Country report to the UNCPD developed No deviation Finalise Draft Policy Paper on demographic youth dividend Develop Concept Paper Concept policy paper on demographic youth dividend developed Portfolio Commitee
Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery
NPOs Compliance Monitoring and Funding Coordination Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Actual Outputs 2018/2019 Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Facilitate the implementation of the DSD Sector Funding Policy Facilitate the development of a draft implementation plan for the DSD Sector Funding Policy A Draft Implementation Plan for both the DSD Sector Funding Policy and the DSD-NPO Partnership Model developed. No deviation Facilitate the implementation of the DSD-NPO Partnership Model Facilitate the development of a draft implementation plan for the DSD-NPO Partnership Model A Draft Implementation Plan for both the DSD Sector Funding Policy and the DSD-NPO Partnership Model developed. Submit the NPO Bill to Cabinet Consolidate inputs Consolidated inputs and Consultation report developed Portfolio Commitee
Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery
Social Mobilisation and Community Empowerment Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action Facilitate the implementation of the Social Development Youth Policy Develop and facilitate costing tool for the Social Development youth Policy The Youth Policy costing tool was developed, and facilitated with Provincial Youth Directorates Inputs from provinces were Solicited No deviation Facilitate the implementation of the Social Development Youth Strategy Develop the implementation plan Implementation Plan was developed. Portfolio Commitee
Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery
Poverty Alleviation, Sustainable livelihood and Food Security Annual Target Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation and corrective action 1000 cooperatives linked to economic opportunities 200 cooperatives 205 Cooperatives linked to economic opportunities No Deviation Develop a Developmental Model for CNDCs Develop Draft model Draft model for CNDCs is completed and due for presentation to internal forums No deviation 415 000 vulnerable individuals accessing food through CNDCs Provide food to vulnerable individuals through CNDCs vulnerable individuals accessed food through CNDCs Portfolio Commitee
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Summary of Expenditure
Portfolio Commitee
Expenditure per programme
Portfolio Commitee
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