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1. Bell Ringer: Independent Reading 2. Vocabulary: Unit 1B

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1 1. Bell Ringer: Independent Reading 2. Vocabulary: Unit 1B
Learning Target: I can use claims and evidence in my writing. 1. Bell Ringer: Independent Reading 2. Vocabulary: Unit 1B 3. CEI: Review & Corrections 4. CEI: Interpretation 5. Argument Response #1: Rough Draft  Bell Ringer: Independent Reading – 15 minutes​ Interactive Bookmark: Purpose for reading: Collect info and quotes for project. Due Friday. PLACE COMPLETED INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT ON DESK. You will need: Homework: USA Test Prep due Friday.

2 CEI Review Common Mistakes from 1st Try: Learning Target:
I can use claims and evidence in my writing. CEI Review Common Mistakes from 1st Try: 1st person “Yes” “the text says” or “the text states” 2 sentence claim Missing because from claim No evidence Using quotes in claim No lead in for evidence

3 CEI Review: Peer Examples
Learning Target: I can use claims and evidence in my writing. CEI Review: Peer Examples It is worthwhile going to college because the earnings will be higher. The text states “BLS data have shown that workers with more education have lower employment and higher earning than workers with less education.” (Springboard p.6)

4 CEI Review: Peer Examples
Learning Target: I can use claims and evidence in my writing. CEI Review: Peer Examples It is worthwhile to go to college because the more education you have the more likely you are to find a higher paying job and or be less likely to be unemployed. Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics claims that it does pay to get an education. The highest degree in college has a rate of 2.2% unemployment and no college is 7.5% of unemployment.

5 CEI Review: Peer Examples
Learning Target: I can use claims and evidence in my writing. CEI Review: Peer Examples Going to college is worthwhile because in the article “Education Still Pays” the author states “Workers with more education have lower unemployment and higher earnings that workers with less education.”

6 Your Turn Fix your claim and evidence from Friday. Learning Target:
I can use claims and evidence in my writing. Your Turn Fix your claim and evidence from Friday.

Learning Target: I can use claims and evidence in my writing. CEI Review Q: SHOULD STUDENTS BE REQUIRED TO WEAR SCHOOL UNIFORMS?

8 Learning Target: I can use claims and evidence in my writing. CEI Review Claim: Students should not be required to wear school uniforms because uniforms stifle students’ individuality by making everyone look the same.

9 Learning Target: I can use claims and evidence in my writing. CEI Review Evidence: According to an article written by Professor Lay of Yale University, students who wear uniforms “never really get the opportunity to affirm their true selves; they are forced to blend in with their peers” (Lay 124).

10 CEI: Interpretation At least 3 sentences
Learning Target: I can use claims and evidence in my writing. CEI: Interpretation At least 3 sentences What this quotes means: What is the context of the quote? Who said it? What is happening in the story at this time? How it proves your claim is true: Make the connection for the reader. Do not assume the reader will put 2 and 2 together – that is your jo How your evidence supports your thesis: Be sure to point to the thesis specifically. Again, make the connection apparent for the reader.

11 Learning Target: I can use claims and evidence in my writing. CEI: Interpretation 1) In other words, students who are forced to dress like every other student around them may never learn to embrace their own creativity. 2) On the other hand, students who are able to choose what they wear to school are able to express their own personal style and personality. 3) As the research suggests, schools who require students to wear uniforms could potentially cause students to lose sight of who they are as individuals, because they do not get the chance to show case their personal style and creativity.

12 Interpretation practice
Learning Target: I can use claims and evidence in my writing. College is not valuable because it is too expensive and you can find a good career without a college diploma. Mr. Chapman explains, “I went to technical school for two years, took out zero student loans, and make almost six figures.” There are many high paying careers available after completing technical school at a low cost. In other words, ________________________________________________. 2) On the other hand, ___________________________________________. 3) As Mr. Chapman suggests, _____________________________________________. Many college graduates have large amounts of student loan debt and work in low paying careers. it is possible to find a good career without the expense of college so college is no longer valuable.

13 Turn in Interview Transcript before you leave.
Learning Target: I can use claims and evidence in my writing. Your Turn Use CEI Template and Interview transcript to answer the following question: Does college have value? Why or Why not? What specifically makes college valuable or not valuable? WRITE IN PENCIL. Turn in Interview Transcript before you leave.

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