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Draft Spiritual Care Education Standard: The Dutch Perspective René van Leeuwen EPICC Teaching & Learning Event 2 Malta – 24th September 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Draft Spiritual Care Education Standard: The Dutch Perspective René van Leeuwen EPICC Teaching & Learning Event 2 Malta – 24th September 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Draft Spiritual Care Education Standard: The Dutch Perspective René van Leeuwen EPICC Teaching & Learning Event 2 Malta – 24th September 2018

2 What did we do? Translate standard into Dutch Asking for comments:
Representative organisations (nursing, midwifery, patients, chaplaincy) Dutch epicc participants+ Nursing/midwifery universities of applied sciences Student review What did they learn and how did they learn? What is lacking? What are their comments?

3 Representatives: what do they find?
written responses (n-8)/informal responses interesting, positive, relevant Specific comments: How is patientperspective involved? Nurse reponsibility vs. Referral Handling personal limitations Much interest in specific methods/comments

4 Student Review End of 2nd year (4 year education) N=62 Classroom:
Introduction Consent Datacollection: structured form (competences/learning outcomes): what learned, what missed, comments? 2 person analysis

5 Good afternoon Malta

6 Student Review High level of agreement
Show broad perspective on S and knowledge on S/SC Basic SC learned in general communication skills and attitudes (listening, reflection) Need more specific education about: integrating basics of compassionate nursing care professional responsibility about SC: competence 9 summary of competence 2 – 8 or is it more? role S in clinical reasoning/shared decision making interventions Comments on unclear description on (certain parts) of competences

7 summary Viaa: Curriculum Review EPICC: Standard Review:
+ relevance – broad perspective - knowledge – SC in basic nursing communication/attitude - In-depth education: basics of nursing – clinical reasoning – interventions EPICC: Standard Review: *Relevance *Unclear description of competences *Professional responsibility: level of excellence (assessment) *Patient involvement summary

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