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pupil Behavior management

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Presentation on theme: "pupil Behavior management"— Presentation transcript:

1 pupil Behavior management

2 Impossible just means it is harder
Nothing is impossible Impossible just means it is harder




6 Pick Them Wisely

7 And Know When To

8 13 kindergarteners

9 High schoolers may be set in their ways
But 5 year olds are like Play-doh

10 By the end of that first year
They knew all of the rules They started reminding everyone else of all of the rules They taught their siblings and all of their neighbors the rules Even their mailman knew all of the rules seniors in high school even have a hard time refusing to do what year olds tell them to do

11 What are your battles?

12 A lot of the time it is Consistency
Some of our drivers think it's ok to let them do certain stuff While others do not Which can be confusing to the student

13 Eating and drinking Have we taught them not to? Have we explained why?
Do they understand the consequences? Have we been consistent? Have we followed thru?

14 I reminded them everyday for two weeks, no food, no drinks
After that I had an old coffee can with a hole in the lid It was the honor system depository If you were caught with food or drink after that, you got to sit in the honor seat

15 As a last ditch effort I reminded them if they got choked Who would be giving them Mouth to mouth

16 Jumping seats, refusing to share Not sitting correctly
Have we taught them not to? Have we explained why? Do they understand the consequences? Have we been consistent? Have we followed thru?

17 Creative solutions? Jumping seats- assign them a seat with someone they don't like, maybe a 5 year old who tells everything Refusing to share- have we ask them why, and listened? Not sitting correctly- is there something beyond saying 'turn around and sit down'

18 Attitude Have we ask them to stop? Have we set a good example?
Have we explained our expectations? Have we tried to work out a solution with them? Do they understand the consequences?

19 Old school solutions I have found that one to one solutions work best in MOST cases Sometimes when you meet the parent, you understand the problem Talk to the student Explain the problem Set the example Establish the rules/consequences And stick to the plan

20 Cussing Have we talk to them about it? Have we ask them to stop?
Have we explained why? Do they understand the consequences? Have we followed thru?

21 Still a great solution These are all old school problems
This is an old school solution And it still works

22 Front seat facts The student will NOT hate you for putting them here
It will NOT make the behavior any worse than it already is They will complain They will whine They may even call you names

23 Stay strong! My students have said years later remember that time I ___ And I was on the front seat

24 Well known facts on my bus
1-I won't give in 2-the longer you complain, the longer you are their 3-NO, I don't care if you choose not to ride the bus, I will save your seat for you 4-NO, I don't care if you call my director, do you need his cell# 5-if you have been on my front seat, I will not eat any food or treats that you bring me 6-NO, I do not dislike you

25 Sometimes we can't change the Behavior But we can change our reaction

26 Just a jar of Mustard

27 Are we open? Do we smile? Are we friendly? Do we say good morning?
Do we give the student a chance to change?

28 Or are we closed Do we frown? Do we hold a grudge?
Are we stuck on a behavior that happened months ago? Are we patient?

29 Which is more approachable?
If you were the Student, which Would you try To please?

30 What about your tone? Calm Aggressive Meek Assertive Timid Loud Unsure
Angry Confident Quiet Wishy-washy


32 Regardless of whether we want to or not
We all forge a relationship with our riders

33 How do you roll? We are often the first adult that student sees in the morning And sadly, sometimes the last one in the afternoon We are making a lasting impression on these students

34 How we interact with our
Student Doesn't just make difference in their day It often makes a difference In their Lives

35 We are the adults We set the rules We set the examples

36 I know there are bigger problems
I watch the news I have reported child abuse I drove day treatment I have several students serving time for their mistakes

37 I know that not every Solution Works for every Student But....
We can make a difference in the behavior on our bus In how we listen In how we talk to them In how we treat them

38 As a driver we wear many hats
Bus driver Leader Teacher Friend Example Mentor

39 I worked long and hard that first year, I 'invested'
I taught year olds the rules(they were the only ones to listen) And they taught me that patience,and consistency works And those wonderful, loud,rowdy 5 year olds, taught the rest of bus for the next 12 years I had 13 years to watch them grow, learn and mature into wonderful young adults In 2010, I watched 11 of those students walk across the stage and get their diploma, one was valedictorian, one had moved away, and one got her g.e.d. 2 years later.

40 Is pupil management possible????

41 Sometimes


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