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10 Things You Didn't Know About Tables

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Presentation on theme: "10 Things You Didn't Know About Tables"— Presentation transcript:

1 10 Things You Didn't Know About Tables
By dr Barbra Pineiro, professor in Tables Studies Seed: Tables Generator: Title slide Context: {'topic': 'Tables', 'presenter': 'Barbra Pineiro', 'seed': 'Tables', 'seed_plural_title': 'Tables', 'seed_title': 'Tables'} Generated Elements: ["10 Things You Didn't Know About Tables", 'By dr Barbra Pineiro,\nprofessor in Tables Studies']

2 Some things about me Hungary Trapper
Seed: Tables Generator: About Me: Location-Job Context: {'topic': 'Tables', 'presenter': 'Barbra Pineiro', 'seed': 'Tables'} Generated Elements: ('Some things about me', 'Hungary', '/downloads/google_images/Hungary/hungarypic jpg', 'Trapper', '/downloads/google_images/Trapper/fort-lupton-trapper-days-rendezvous x600.jpg', True) Hungary Trapper

3 First Olympic "Using-Logarithmic-Tables. 868,952-views
First Olympic "Using-Logarithmic-Tables ,952-views   Updated-1-month-ago" Champion "Sit, Your High Majestic Lord Princes," she said. She yanked a chair from the table and sat herself down. "You're in fine temper," Raffin said. "Your hair is blue," Katsa snapped back." Seed: Tables Generator: Historical Figure Quote Context: {'topic': 'Tables', 'presenter': 'Barbra Pineiro', 'seed': 'Tables', 'seed_wikihow_action_ing_dashes': 'Using-Logarithmic-Tables\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t868,952-views\t\t\t\t\t\n\xa0\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tUpdated-1-month-ago'} Generated Elements: ['First Olympic "Using-Logarithmic-Tables\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t868,952-views\t\t\t\t\t\n\xa0\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tUpdated-1-month-ago" Champion', 'Chancellor D. Knaack', '/app/talkgenerator/schema/../../downloads/reddit/OldSchoolCool/cL5hkWS.jpg', None, '"Sit, Your High Majestic Lord Princes," she said. She yanked a chair from the table and sat herself down.\n"You\'re in fine temper," Raffin said.\n"Your hair is blue," Katsa snapped back."', True] Chancellor D. Knaack

4 Seed: Tables Generator: Reddit Chart Context: {'topic': 'Tables', 'presenter': 'Barbra Pineiro', 'seed': 'Tables'} Generated Elements: [None, '/app/talkgenerator/schema/../../downloads/reddit/dataisbeautiful+funnycharts+charts/mT4nFPJ.png', True]

5 Tables Seed: Tables Generator: Two Captions Gifs Context: {'topic': 'Tables', 'presenter': 'Barbra Pineiro', 'seed': 'Tables', 'seed_plural_title': 'Tables'} Generated Elements: ('Tables', "Don't", '/app/talkgenerator/sources/../downloads/giphy/Tables/Wtb4GpWjgZsuABhm5M.gif', 'Do', '/app/talkgenerator/schema/../../downloads/reddit/gifs+gif+gifextra+nonononoYES/s3bB20T.gif', True) Don't Do

6 My story about Tables Seed: Tables Generator: Anecdote Context: {'topic': 'Tables', 'presenter': 'Barbra Pineiro', 'seed': 'Tables', 'seed_plural': 'Tables'} Generated Elements: [None, 'My story about Tables', '/downloads/google_images/Tables/ qrt.jpg']

7 Seed: Tables Generator: Reddit Chart Context: {'topic': 'Tables', 'presenter': 'Barbra Pineiro', 'seed': 'Tables'} Generated Elements: [None, '/app/talkgenerator/schema/../../downloads/reddit/dataisbeautiful+funnycharts+charts/7kiab49o6tbz.png', True]

8 WARNING: Never Memorize Times Tables. 17,877 Views
WARNING: Never Memorize Times Tables ,877 Views   Updated 4 Months Ago ! Seed: Tables Generator: Wikihow Bold Statement Context: {'topic': 'Tables', 'presenter': 'Barbra Pineiro', 'seed': 'Tables', 'action': 'Memorize Times Tables\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t17,877 Views\t\t\t\t\t\n\xa0\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tUpdated 4 Months Ago\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n', 'step': 'Do Whatever You Like'} Generated Elements: [None, 'WARNING: Never Memorize Times Tables\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t17,877 Views\t\t\t\t\t\n\xa0\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tUpdated 4 Months Ago\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n!', '/downloads/google_images/Tables/ jpg']

9 Think about it... Seed: Tables Generator: Inspirobot Context: {'topic': 'Tables', 'presenter': 'Barbra Pineiro', 'seed': 'Tables'} Generated Elements: ['Think about it...', '/app/talkgenerator/sources/../downloads/inspirobot/ jpg', True]

10 Conclusion Conclusion 1 Conclusion 2
Seed: Tables Generator: Conclusion Context: {'topic': 'Tables', 'presenter': 'Barbra Pineiro', 'seed': 'Tables'} Generated Elements: ['Conclusion', 'Conclusion 1', '/downloads/google_images/Tables/?layer=0&size=498,300&scl=1&src=996120_wood_w&layer=comp&$prodzoom0$.jpg', 'Conclusion 2', '/app/talkgenerator/schema/../../downloads/reddit/hmmm+hmm+wtf+wtfstockphotos+photoshopbattles+confusing_perspective+cursedimages+HybridAnimals+EyeBleach+natureismetal/aji3m0clsyj21.jpg', True] Conclusion 1 Conclusion 2

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