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Landscapes in motion: Governance and Adaptation

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1 Landscapes in motion: Governance and Adaptation
Houria Djoudi, Maria Brockhaus and Bruno Locatelli

2 Source: Nasa THINKING beyond the canopy

3 Mobility as landscape management strategy..
The context Mobility as landscape management strategy.. Adapt to climate variability (time and space), Embedded in a set of negotiated values and local knowledge Source: Fao and CIRAD

4 Approaches Causes of vulnerability? Adaptive strategies? 10/04/10

5 Contrasting perceptions on vulnerabilities
Incentives for sedentarisation “Mal-adaptive” pathways (pressure on resources, conflicts..etc.)

6 Bridging knowledge and reconciling perceptions?
This figures shows the Network analysis in Mali, two important points here: The lack of local civil society instititions, lack of local institions and lake of informal institutions The totality of the governmental actors involved in the adaptation arena and policies are technical organizations

7 Contrasting visions for adaptive strategies
We anlyzed also the proiorities of adaptations options at the loval level and meso level and the results show that they are substantial diffrences on the priorities: Local representatives gave the highest priority for mesures related to local institutions and arrangements for example the creation of confl;ict mediation structures and local comities for the regulation of forest water use. Gouvernemental local representative focused on the mangement of ecosytems without reffereng to any institutional mesures.

8 Landscape as a negotiated space
shaped by vertical (scale related) and horizontal power relations, perceptions and believes Landscape in motion Interlinked adaptive pathways of different stakeholders Landscape history including how changes in rules, knowledge and values


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