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Spring term 2A RE assessment criteria

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1 Spring term 2A RE assessment criteria
Assessment criteria for schools using the model RE curriculum map

2 Year 1: Big question: What are God’s rules for living
Year 1: Big question: What are God’s rules for living? Week 1:What are the 10 commandments? Week 2:What do the 10 commandments teach us about God and the way to live? Remembering Core concept: The People of God To know what a rule is and its purpose To know the 10 commandments To know the 10 commandments are shared by the Jewish and Christian community Religious vocabulary Rule Commandment Moses Old Testament Christian Jewish people Torah What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Beliefs, teaching, sources of wisdom and authority: I can talk about the 10 commandments (WT) I can recall the 10 commandments and talk about them (Exp) I can recall the 10 commandments and understand their meaning (GD) Questions of values and commitment I can talk about what is important to me (WT) I can explain what is important to me and why (Exp) I can explain what is important for others and can respect their feelings (GD)

3 Year 2: Big question: What is the story of Noah really all about
Year 2: Big question: What is the story of Noah really all about? Week 1: What does the Bible teach in the story of Noah? Week 2: What is grace? Remembering Core concept: The people of God To know the story of Noah To understand the meaning of grace ie – the underserved favour of God. The unconditional love of God for all people. To understand the meaning of covenant is ie - making a promise Religious vocabulary Noah Old Testament Ark Promise Covenant Grace Hope Right the wrong What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Beliefs: teaching, sources of wisdom and authority: I can retell the story of Noah and talk about it (WT) I can retell the story of Noah and suggest the meaning and moral behind it (Exp) I can begin to describe what a believer might learn from the story of Noah (GD) Questions of meaning purpose and truth: I can think about the special things that have happened to me and others (WT) I can ask questions about the story and its meaning (Exp) I can begin to ask important questions about why promises are important to keep and what the consequences might be if they are broken (GD)

4 Year 3: Big question: How do Christians believe following Jesus’ new commandments and His two greatest commandments make a difference? Week 1: What did Jesus teach and tell people to do? Week 2: How can we relate Jesus’ teaching to our own questions of values and attitudes? Remembering Core concept: Gospel To know the two commandments and to understand their meaning for the Christian community today. Religious vocabulary Jesus Gospel New Testament Commandment What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Ways of living I can ask and respond to questions about how the commandments influence the Christian community(WT) I can describe and begin to make links between the things that are the same and different for religious people (Exp) I can use the correct religious vocabulary to describe how the two commandments impact on the actions of Christians in their daily live (GD) Questions of values and commitments: I am beginning to express my own ideas and opinions(WT) I can link things that are important to me and other people with the way I think and behave (Exp) I can begin to understand how my beliefs and opinions influence the way I behave and the decisions I make (GD)

5 Year 4: Big question: Do fame and Christian faith go together
Year 4: Big question: Do fame and Christian faith go together? Week 1: How do Christian qualities support fame? Week 2: Which famous Christian most inspires you and why? Remembering To understand what is meant by Christian qualities To know the 10 and 2 greatest commandments and how they influence the lives of the believer To have knowledge of a famous Christian’s life Religious vocabulary Christian Faith Belief Humility Kindness Generosity Faithful Practice Role model Guide What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Ways of living: I can describe and begin to make connections between the things that are the same and different for religious people (WT) I can use the correct religious vocabulary to describe what practices and experiences may be involved in belonging to the Christian faith (Exp) I can describe why people belong to Christianity and how this makes a difference to the lives of individuals and communities (GD) Questions of identity, diversity and belonging: I can compare some of the things that influence me with those that influence other people (WT) I can verbalise my own understanding of the concept of belonging and start to relate this to the people I am studying (Exp) I can give a personal view on what inspires and influences me (GD)

6 Year 5: What is the contemporary Anglican church
Year 5: What is the contemporary Anglican church? Week 1: Why do Anglican churches have different styles of worship today? Week 2: What is the worldwide Anglican church like? Remembering To know that the Anglican church has a variety of ways of worshipping and that the Anglican communion is worldwide Religious vocabulary Anglican Communion Worship Traditional Anglo - Catholic Evangelical Charismatic Archbishop of Canterbury What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Beliefs, teaching and sources of wisdom and authority I can make links between different styles of worship within the Anglican communion and how they are connected to a believer’s life (WT) I can suggest reasons for the similar and different styles of worship and how they express the beliefs of the faith (Exp) I can explain how Christians choose to worship in a way which best helps them to draw close to God (GD) Questions of values and commitments: I can confidently ask questions about what helps me to develop spiritually (WT) I can apply and express my own ideas about what helps people to live their lives according to their values and beliefs (Exp) I can show understanding of the relationship between beliefs, teachings and worldviews and how I and others might live by them (GD)

7 Year 6 Big question: What do the monastic traditions within the Church of England show us about living in community? Week 1: What is a monastic community? Week 2: What does it mean to live in a Christian community? Remembering There are monastic communities of men and woman within the Church of England Living in a monastic community is a particular way of living out the Christian faith for some people There are different models of monastic life, some active, some contemplative. Religious vocabulary Monastic Community Monastery Convent Contemplative Divine Office Habit Liturgy Order Vocation Vows What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Ways of living: I can begin to explain with reasons the meaning and significance of religion to individuals and communities (WT) I can understand and explain how beliefs resonate in my own life and the life of the believer, and how this impacts on the way I and the believer choose to lead our lives (Exp) I can show how the monastic life has been influenced by the past as well as the present and how belonging in community means different things for different people (GD) Questions of identity, diversity and belonging I can begin to consider and apply ideas about ways in which living in community can benefit the well being of all (WT) I recognise the challenges of living in a community today in reference to my own views and the views of society (Exp) I can give a personal view with reasons and examples on what value living in community might have on understanding ourselves and others (GD)

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