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Reproduction of the original Fig 16 (Vol. 1, page 36) of Adachi

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1 Reproduction of the original Fig 16 (Vol. 1, page 36) of Adachi
Reproduction of the original Fig 16 (Vol. 1, page 36) of Adachi.19 Adachi presents a left ascending thoracic VA originating from the aorta at the T3–T4 level and passing behind the head of the first rib to enter the first costotransverse space before contin... Reproduction of the original Fig 16 (Vol. 1, page 36) of Adachi.19 Adachi presents a left ascending thoracic VA originating from the aorta at the T3–T4 level and passing behind the head of the first rib to enter the first costotransverse space before continuing cranially as the left cervical vertebral artery. P. Gailloud et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2017;38: ©2017 by American Society of Neuroradiology

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