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33nd CATIA Forum Moving from Component to a Product

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1 33nd CATIA Forum Moving from Component to a Product
CAD services

2 Alberto Ortiz Delgado - CAD Services
Index Key features Use case Get a Product from a Component Motivation CATIA Options General procedure Additional information 11/2/2019 Alberto Ortiz Delgado - CAD Services

3 Alberto Ortiz Delgado - CAD Services
KEY FEATURES Component It is an option to arrange instances within an assembly Useful for creating a tree structure for large assemblies It behaves exactly as an Assembly It does not generate a separate file, saving its information under the first parent Assembly upstream. 6 Component1 4 Component2 3 Component3 8 ComponentN BOM Top Product 3D Component1 Component2 ComponentN BOM Transparent Product (Small piece of paper behind) Component (Nothing behind the couple of gears) But… Cannot be saved independently. It makes the understanding of the whole assembly more clear. Behaves as an assembly  means it has to be constrained internally the same way as a sub-assembly + constrained at product level SmarTeam transparent. BOM transparent. Cannot be opened in a new window. Cannot be used into another Assembly (will be explained later). 02/11/2019 Alberto Ortiz Delgado - CAD Services

4 Alberto Ortiz Delgado - CAD Services
USE CASE Reasons to work with components Assembly with lots of first-level dependencies Show different design study options under the same file when scenes are not applicable (temporary solution) Facilitate selection of multiple elements There are specific elements repeated several times: Nuts Screws Work decisions leading to go for components. Primary reason is when the user has lots of first-level dependencies There are a few design options There are lots of same-kind elements instantiated, such as nuts, screws,… Work-based decision It makes easier to work under some circumstances, without creating additional data in SmarTeam. 02/11/2019 Alberto Ortiz Delgado - CAD Services

MAIN MOTIVATION Complex Component tree structure created. Reusing the structure created into another assembly Complex Structure (Work independently) Simplify the BOM Enable creation of intermediate level drawings (if the mounting sequence evolves for instance) Moving from Component to Product. Justified by… Complex Component – Structure involves lots of items at product level in SmarTeam. Complex Component so it would be eventually better to work on it independently. Reuse it into another models 02/11/2019 Alberto Ortiz Delgado - CAD Services

MAIN MOTIVATION Complex Component tree structure created. Reusing the structure created into another assembly Reuse the structure in other assembly Simplify the BOM Moving from Component to Product. Justified by… Complex Component – Structure Complex Component so it would be eventually better to work on it independently. Reuse it into another models Actually it is possible… but it requires that the original assembly where the component was created is opened in session. Source component and copied component will be completely independent from each other. Modifications performed on the source component will not be propagated to the copied component 02/11/2019 Alberto Ortiz Delgado - CAD Services

MAIN MOTIVATION Complex Component tree structure created. Reusing the structure created into another assembly Makes the BOM simpler Simplify the BOM Moving from Component to Product. Justified by… Complex Component – Structure Complex Component so it would be eventually better to work on it independently. Reuse it into another models No direct way to “switch” There is no direct option to transform a component into an assembly 02/11/2019 Alberto Ortiz Delgado - CAD Services

CREATE AN EQUIVALENT PRODUCT STRUCTURE Best approach: In the Component Tree structure (CTS) to be replicated… Create a new Product underneath every existing component Copy/Paste New Products outside the CTS in equivalent relative position Starting point Remove the New products under Component-Structure Creating inside each Component a Product ensures both will have same axis origin and position (2) Replicate the component tree-structure Top Product Component1 Component2 Subproduct2 3D Subproduct1 (3) Delete the New products from comp.-structure In the context of Each component! Top Product Component1 3D Component2 Subproduct1 Subproduct2 The step one allows to have the same axis origin between each Product and its corresponding Component. With the Drag & Drop option enabled in CATIA, this step is really simple and quick. Do not forget to remove the created subproducts in the component tree structure. (1) Create a new Product below any component 02/11/2019 Alberto Ortiz Delgado - CAD Services

PLACE THE DATA UNDER NEW PRODUCTS Best approach: For every group of dependencies in the same level in the CTS… Copy/Paste each group in the equivalent Product Structure level Once done, remove the complete CTS. Starting point Save it in SmarTeam Copy/Paste! Top Product Component1 Component2 Subproduct2 3D Subproduct1 (2/3) Remove the complete CTS + Save in SmarTeam Everything will be moved, not only constraints but also features,… (1) Copy/Paste dependencies in the Product structure 02/11/2019 Alberto Ortiz Delgado - CAD Services

Some final considerations… It is not a transformation We are moving the data from a Component structure to a Product Structure. These strategy can be useful under specific circumstances Complex structure created, BOM Modification, reusing,... Is there any way to reuse a component in another assembly? Yes, it is possible, as long as the original Assembly where it was created is open in session. To be written: Axis origin – Main reason for introduce the Subproduct in the component 02/11/2019 Alberto Ortiz Delgado - CAD Services

11 Alberto Ortiz Delgado - CAD Services
Special thanks to Alberto who did this presentation We wish him a prompt recovery ! Thank you!! Questions? 02/11/2019 Alberto Ortiz Delgado - CAD Services

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