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Autumn term Christmas UNIT RE assessment criteria

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1 Autumn term Christmas UNIT RE assessment criteria
Assessment criteria for schools using the model RE curriculum map

2 Year R: Big question: Why is Christmas special for Christians
Year R: Big question: Why is Christmas special for Christians? Week 1: How do people prepare for the birth of a baby? Week 2: How did Mary know that she was going to have baby? Week 3: How did Mary and Joseph feel about having a baby? Week 4: How do Christian prepare for the special day of Christmas? Week 5: What story do Christians remember at Christmas and why? Week 6: Why is Christmas special for Christians? Remembering The meaning of the core concept: incarnation-God becoming human To know the Christmas story To know Christmas is a special time for Christians To know how believers prepare for Christmas To know that the Christmas story comes from the Bible Religious vocabulary Christian Christmas Jesus Angel Gabriel Mary, Joseph, innkeeper, shepherds, wise men Advent Wreath Candle Good news Special Festival Celebrate Joy Peace What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Beliefs, teachings, sources of wisdom and authority: I can talk about the Christmas story. (Exp) I can remember the Christmas story and can talk about it. (Exceeding) Questions of purpose, meaning and truth: I can talk about how other people may feel. (Exp) I can talk about important occasions for me. (Exceeding)

3 Year 1: Big question: What makes each character in the Christmas story important? Week 1: Angels; what was the big news? Week 2: Mary and Joseph; why were they chosen? Week 3: Shepherds- just ordinary people? Why did they leave their flocks? Week 4: Herod; why was he jealous? Remembering The meaning of the core concept : Incarnation To know the Christmas story and its message To know what Christians believe about the story To know the role each character plays in the story Religious vocabulary Christian Christmas Good news Bible Announcement Angel Gabriel Mary Joseph Shepherds King Love What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Beliefs, teachings, sources of wisdom and authority: I can talk about the Christmas story (WT) I can retell the Christmas story in order of events and talk about it (Exp) I can retell the Christmas story and understand the role that each character plays (GD) Questions of purpose, meaning and truth: I can talk about what makes me happy and sad (WT) I can talk about special things that happen to me and others (Exp) I can ask questions about the Christmas story (GD)

4 Year 2: Big question: Where is the light of Christmas
Year 2: Big question: Where is the light of Christmas? Week 1: Can you find the light? Week 2: How does the Christingle symbolise the light of Christmas? Week 3: Can you see the light? Week 4: Who is your ‘guiding light’? Remembering The meaning of the core concept: Incarnation To understand that Jesus is the light of the world To know the meaning behind the Christingle Religious vocabulary Christian Christmas Christingle Light of the world What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Ways of expressing meaning: I can recognise the symbolism (light of the world) behind the Christmas story and talk about it (WT) I recognise that religious symbols help explain a religious message (Exp) I can use religious vocabulary to describe some of the different ways that believers understand the meaning of Christmas (GD) Questions of values and commitments: I can identify what is important to me and other people (WT) I can express my own ideas and recognise that others may have a different ideas (Exp) I am beginning to make links with things that are important to me with the way I think and behave (GD)

5 Year 3: Big question: How do Advent and Epiphany show what Christmas is really about? Week 1: What did the prophets foretell about the first Christmas? Week 2: How did John the Baptist prepare the way? Week 3: How is the message of Christmas lived out among the people of God? Week 4: What clues does Epiphany give us about Jesus’ life? Remembering The meaning of the core concept: Incarnation To know what a prophet is To know what the prophecies were. To know who John the Baptist is and what his message was To know the meaning of Epiphany and the significance of the wise men to the Christmas story Religious vocabulary Christian Christmas Bible Old Testament New Testament Prophet and prophecy Message/messenger Foretell John the Baptist Prepare Advent Epiphany Gift Gold, frankincense and myrrh What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Ways of expressing meaning: I can recognise that a message can be foretold (WT) I can use religious vocabulary to explain the message of the prophets. (Exp) I can explain the meaning of Advent and Epiphany using the correct religious vocabulary and suggest what this might mean to a believer. (GD) Questions of identity, diversity and belonging: I can begin to identify different beliefs and world views about the meaning of Christmas. (WT) I can compare my own understanding of what it means to belong to a faith/group with that of someone else (eg for a Christian the message of Christmas leads to action – lesson 3) (Exp) I can begin to observe and suggest why belonging to the Christian community may be valuable and bring a different view to how a believer might celebrate Christmas compared to a non- believer (GD)

6 Year 4: Big question: What do Christians mean by peace at Christmas
Year 4: Big question: What do Christians mean by peace at Christmas? Week 1: What is peace? Week 2: What do Christians believe about the peace that Christmas brings? Week 3: What does the Bible tell us about Jesus’ message of peace? Week 4: How does the church live out the message of peace especially at Christmas time? Remembering The meaning of the core concept : Incarnation To know that Jesus is referred to as the Prince of Peace To know the meaning of traditional carols To understand the Christian understanding of peace To understand the difference between internal and external peace Religious vocabulary Prince of Peace Peace Internal External Carols Dove Symbol What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Ways of expressing meaning: I can use religious vocabulary to describe some of the ways people express the meaning of Christmas. (WT) I can express my own belief about what peace means to me (Exp) I can understand the importance of peace for Christians and how they might live their life accordingly (GD) Questions of meaning, purpose and truth: I can understand why peace is important to me and others (WT) I can begin to apply my own and others’ ideas on how peace might be achieved. (Exp) I can ask questions and suggest how peace can make a significant difference for ourselves and the world (GD)

7 Year 5: Big question: How do art and music convey Christmas
Year 5: Big question: How do art and music convey Christmas? Week 1: What makes a piece of art sacred? Week 2: How is Christmas represented in art today? Week 3: What would be the main beliefs of the Nativity narrative to feature in a new Christmas carol for church? Week 4: The Nativity narrative; whose story is it to tell? Remembering The meaning of the core concept : Incarnation To know what makes a piece of art sacred To know the main beliefs in the Nativity narrative Religious vocabulary Nativity Sacred Narrative Secular Christmas carol What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Ways of expressing meaning: I can express my own thoughts and beliefs related to the Christmas narrative through a range of media ie art and music (WT) I can show my own understanding of the similarities and differences of how artists and musicians express their beliefs related to the Christmas narrative (Exp) I can explain what the artists’/musicians’ beliefs might be by interpreting their work. (GD) Questions of meaning, purpose and truth: I can begin to apply my own understanding of Christmas and support my viewpoint (WT) I can use other people’s interpretation of the meaning of the Christmas narrative to inform my own work (Exp) I understand the influence time, place and culture has had on the representation of the Christmas message. (GD)

8 Year 6: Big question: How would Christians advertise Christmas to show their beliefs today? Week 1: What meaning do different advertisements give to Christmas and how might Christians feel about the meaning? Week 2: What meaning do the different Gospel narratives give to Christmas? Week 3: How and why does the church advertise Christmas? Week 4: What should an advertisement include to show the meaning and Christian belief of Christmas? Remembering The meaning of the core concept : Incarnation To understand the difference between the secular and religious views of Christmas To know the different emphansis the Gospels give to the Christmas narrative and the reasons why Religious vocabulary Religious Secular Message Gospel- good news Narrative What enquiry based questions do they need to be able to answer by the end of the unit? Ways of expressing meaning: I can show understanding of the similarities and differences of how the Gospels interpret the Christmas narrative and begin to apply this to my own understanding of the Christmas message (WT) I can consistently use correct religious vocabulary to explain the significance of the Christmas narrative to the believer. (Exp) I can use a wide range of religious and philosophical vocabulary to present a clear picture of how believers might advertise and promote the Christmas message(GD) Questions of meaning, purpose and truth: I can represent my own and others’ view about the meaning and truth behind Christmas. (WT) I can express confidently my own and others’ views on questions of what Christmas might mean for a believer and non- believer (Exp) I can give a personal view with reasons of my understanding of the key concepts identified in the Christmas narrative and how a Christian viewpoint of the concepts helps to understand the meaning of life. (GD)

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