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Create your own country project

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1 Create your own country project
Happily, or sadly, the last grade you will ever have in this class.

2 What are the 5 Themes of Geography?
1. Location- asks “Where is it?” 2. Place- asks, “What is it like there?” 3. Human/Environment Interaction- asks, “How do people relate to the physical world?” 4. Movement- asks, “How do people, goods, and ideas move from one location to another?” 5. Region- asks, “What do places have in common?

3 Focus on the first two themes…
Location- Where is it? What continent is it on? Remember Absolute and relative location? Who are the neighboring countries and what is the relationship like with those neighbors? Place- “What is it like there?” What is the climate like? What plants and animals live there? Does the area suffer from any natural disasters? How does the environment impact the economy? What is the topography? Are there any interesting physical features?

4 Lastly… As you start to draw your country, fast forward to the political geography portion of our class. Think about what kind of border your country is going to have. Compact? Prorupted? Elongated? Fragmented? Perforated? Landlocked? You will need to identify this border and explain why the border is the shape that it is.

5 Focus for Friday (day 2) Human/Environment Interaction- How do people relate to the physical world? What kind of relationship does the population have with its country? Are they mindful of the environment? Do they practice sustainable harvest of their resources? Does your country have a recycle program? Movement- “How do people, goods, and ideas move from one location to another?” Are there navigable rivers? Interstates? Is the country developed enough to have air traffic? LDC/MDC Region- “What do places have in common?” Does your country have regions? Are they similar? Different? Think about how the physical geography characterizes the regions of the United States (Northeast, South, Midwest, Southwest, West)

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