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Business Fluctuations

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1 Business Fluctuations
Eco 13/4 Business Fluctuations

2 Business Fluctuations
Each year there are ups and downs in unemployment, world trade, inflation, etc. These are called business fluctuations or the business cycle.

3 Model of the Business Cycle
Growth leads to economic peak (boom) Boom is a period of prosperity- new businesses are opening, factories are producing at full capacity, near 100% employment.

4 Model of the Business Cycle
Eventually, real GDP levels off and begins to decline. A contraction of the economy occurs. Business activity slows down. If the contraction lasts long enough and is deep enough, it slips into a recession.

5 Recession Any period of at least two quarters- six months- during which real GDP does not grow. Business activity starts to fall fast economy-wide. Factories cut production and lay off workers. Consumers cut back on purchases.

6 Depression Millions are unemployed, many businesses fail, economy operates far below capacity.

7 Trough Downward direction of the economy levels off. Trough is the lowest point. Business activity begins to increase, beginning a period of expansion, or recovery. Consumer spending picks up, signaling factories to hire workers and increase production to meet demand. Continues until another peak.

8 Ups and Downs of Business
See on p. 362

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