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Company-Wide Forecasting

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Presentation on theme: "Company-Wide Forecasting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Company-Wide Forecasting
A 3-step process for predictable execution

2 Alignment process 10 People = 45 Unique Conversations

3 4 Types of Alignment Employee Aligned to the Role
Employee Aligned to their Team Employee/Team Aligned to the Company Teams Aligned across the Company

4 Company-wide forecasting
1. Set quarterly priorities. 2. Align team goals. 3. Gather predictive insight.

5 1. Set quarterly priorities.
Company-wide forecasting The process 1. Set quarterly priorities. 5–7 priorities for the next 90 days These are the goals that define success for the company Should be aligned with long-term vision—where you want to be in the future Give examples of a few top-level company goals.

6 2. Align team goals. Company-wide forecasting The process
Employees define and record their contribution to company priorities. 3–5 goals per person. Pair with a clear measurement. Conversation between manager/employee

7 Cascading Quarterly Goals

8 3. Gather predictive insight.
Company-wide forecasting The process 3. Gather predictive insight. Each week ask “How likely are you to meet your goals?” Each week ask “How do you FEEL about the work so far?” If something changes – tell me why.

9 The Benefits of Looking Forward
4 ways company-wide forecasting drives performance and results

10 1. Insight, not just information
Your employees know more about their work than you do. When you ask them to synthesize and predict, you get insight, not more functional data.

11 2. Address problems early
Ever found out about a big miss just days before a board meeting? Avoid the CEO cliché: Don’t be the last to know. Weekly predictions are your early- warning system. Story about an overrun in the millions coming to light two weeks before a board meeting. “You had this budget all quarter long and you’re just now telling me!” © 2015 Khorus

12 3. Alignment increases productivity
Everyone is clear on the destination. Feeling of being part of something bigger. No duplication of effort.

13 4. More accountability and trust
When employees are asked to predict: They feel more like owners. They know they will be held accountable. They feel you trust them and want their expert opinion. They get a voice to leadership. Which means predictions help you build a healthy culture, too.

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