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2 Apply Online For Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
- Nilam Bharat Bafna Probationary Deputy Collector CPTP 4 (Class A) Apply online for predawn mantri suraksha bima yojana

3 Introduction Government-backed accident insurance scheme in India.
Available to people between 18 and 70 years of age with bank accounts. Accident insurance worth ₹ 2 lacs at just ₹ 12 per annum. Covers permanent disablement due to accident which includes loss of use in both eyes, hands or feet and paid ₹ 2 lacs . For Partial Permanent disability such as loss of use in one eye, hand or foot, nominee is entitled to get ₹ 1 lac. Period of insurance, Annual:1st June- 31st May. Premium will be deducted through ‘auto-debit’ facility. Person is eligible to join through one account only.

4 Step By Step – Guide To

5 Login to SBI Bank Account

6 In My Accounts Press Account Summary- Go to Social Security Schemes

7 Select Scheme And Account Number And Then Submit

8 Select CIF(Customer Information File) Number

9 Fill The Remaining Appropriate Entries Whichever Is Applicable And Press Submit

10 You Can Check Your Application Status Here For Respective Scheme

11 Important Notes This scheme will be linked to the bank accounts opened under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana scheme. The government aims to reduce the number of such zero balance accounts by using this scheme. Now all Bank account holders can avail this facility through their net-banking service facility at any time of the year.

12 Criticism A rising loss ratio has forced general insurers to urge the government to hike the premium for the scheme. Despite this criticism, there are the achievements of the scheme in the form of Outcomes.

13 Outcomes Of The Scheme As of 24th April 2017, 10 crore people have already enrolled for this scheme. 9,705 claims have been disbursed against 12,975 claims received. In April 2017, Haryana Government has announced that all Haryana residents in the age group of years will be covered by PMSBY, wherein the state government would reimburse the premium to the beneficiary.


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