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Classroom Procedures And Classroom Policies

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1 Classroom Procedures And Classroom Policies
Mr. House Classroom Procedures And Classroom Policies

2 Restroom Procedures Raise your hand to be recognized. Ask to use the restroom. Restroom Sign-out sheet on the clipboard and sign out (write first and last name, date, and time left room); do sign back in on return Remember, the Restroom Sign-out sheet is an official document Only one (1) student at a time to the restroom, unless a specific situation arises

3 Classroom Procedures Before the Teacher comes into the room have the following completed: Open up your notebook to the next clean left hand side (either copy down the warm up) Students should conclude any extra conversations as the teacher comes in the room to start the day’s lesson Any student arriving after the teacher comes in the room is considered late and will be marked Tardy in Synergy and

4 Classroom Procedures (cont.)
Raise your hand to be called upon Respect your fellow students comments and opinions Movement around the room is acceptable (ex: sharpen your pencil, turn your test in, pick up an assignment, etc.) Noise is acceptable at conversational level (the teacher should not have to yell over the students noise level)

5 Classroom Procedures (cont.)
The four (4) students at each table will choose a student to pick up the necessary materials for their cooperative learning group If students need to leave the room they will need to fill out a pass on the day’s agenda page with the time they leave and then the time returned to the classroom. The Teacher will dismiss the class not the bell, the bell is for the Teacher not the students.

6 (extremely important philosophy)
Stress Zone (extremely important philosophy)

7 Turn in Work and Late Work
The Teacher will collect classwork assignments and/or homework as necessary For Projects or take home tests, the Teacher will call the student’s name and the student will hand deliver the assignment and physically hand the Teacher the assignment

8 Curriculum Map and Course Syllabus
Course Syllabus will be posted to the blog The Grading Criteria is 60% Summative and 40% Formative Course requirements (every day): Notebook Pen or pencil (no red ink or red colored lead)


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