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Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats

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1 Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats
SWOT Analysis Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats An aid to decision making and problem solving. Illustrated by Vince Borg Education Leeds The Six Thinking Hats replaces one-dimensional thinking with six dimensional thinking. Much of our thinking is done in a disorganized, inefficient way. We often try to do too much at once. Emotions, information, logic, hope, risk and creativity are all mixed up together. It is like juggling too many balls. As a result we begin to limit our thinking and make poor decisions. Often, we tend to use only one type of thinking at any given moment. It is like a golfer using only one club – a driver may be perfect for teeing off, but is clumsy on the putting green. One type of thinking is no longer adequate to cope with today’s rapidly changing world. Judgement and argument can no longer solve problems or move us forward. We need to switch our thinking from one-dimension to six-dimensions using Parallel Thinking™. It allows for collaborative, focused and directed thinking. It allows us to explore six different avenues of thought to build insight, creative ideas and solutions. The process is a powerful tool to help change the way we think. It promotes productive interaction and creative thinking — vital  ingredients for any meeting, any discussion and any decision. LL 01/07/2007 7/22/09W HD,AM,SD

2 Why use the Six Thinking Hats?
SWOT Analysis Why use the Six Thinking Hats? Takes in to consideration the “feelings” Encourages cooperation. Reduces “I am right, you are wrong” scenarios. Stays groups focused. Achieves results quicker. Ensures egos and rivalry in check. The Six Thinking was developed from the concept of Parallel Thinking which seeks to be constructive and creative. It allows group consideration of an issue or idea without the intervention of dispute or disagreement. It is one way that a number of people can use collective energy to approach an issue from the same perspective.  Parallel Thinking does not exclude critical judgment completely. Instead, it works alongside it to achieve a better result. The Six Thinking Hats® is a process that enables Parallel Thinking™, by allowing everyone to wear the same hat (thinking mode) at the same time and explore subjects thoroughly together.  It is a learned skill that can be understood by everyone. LL 01/07/2007 7/22/09W HD,AM,SD

3 5 More Reasons Develops a creative mindset.
SWOT Analysis 5 More Reasons Develops a creative mindset. Maximizes input and ideas to improve results. Defuses emotional topics and balance thinking objectively. Speeds up thinking, be more productive and save time. Builds clear problem definitions from different perspectives. LL 01/07/2007 7/22/09W HD,AM,SD

4 Passion  Feelings  Emotions
SWOT Analysis The Red Hat What do you feel about the suggestion? What are your gut reactions? What intuitions do you have? Don’t think too long or too hard. Passion  Feelings  Emotions LL 01/07/2007 7/22/09W HD,AM,SD

5 Proof  Statistics  Objectivity
SWOT Analysis The White Hat The information seeking hat. What are the facts? What information is available? What is relevant? When wearing the white hat we are neutral in our thinking. Proof  Statistics  Objectivity LL 01/07/2007 7/22/09W HD,AM,SD

6 Bright  Optimistic  Encouraging
SWOT Analysis The Yellow Hat The sunshine hat. It is positive and constructive. It is about effectiveness and getting a job done. What are the benefits, the advantages? Bright  Optimistic  Encouraging LL 01/07/2007 7/22/09W HD,AM,SD

7 Caution  Safety  Troubleshooting
SWOT Analysis The Black Hat The caution hat. In black hat the thinker points out errors or pit-falls. What are the risks or dangers involved? Identifies difficulties and problems. Caution  Safety  Troubleshooting LL 01/07/2007 7/22/09W HD,AM,SD

8 Innovation  Unlimited  Vision
SWOT Analysis The Green Hat This is the creative mode of thinking. Green represents growth and movement. In green hat we look to new ideas and solutions. Lateral thinking wears a green hat. Innovation  Unlimited  Vision LL 01/07/2007 7/22/09W HD,AM,SD

9 Action  Implementation
SWOT Analysis The Blue Hat The control hat, organizing thinking itself. Sets the focus, calls for the use of other hats. Monitors and reflects on the thinking processes used. Blue is for planning. Action  Implementation LL 01/07/2007 7/22/09W HD,AM,SD

10 Six Thinking Hats Informative Intuitive Constructive Creative
SWOT Analysis Six Thinking Hats Informative Intuitive Constructive Creative Reflective Cautious LL 01/07/2007 7/22/09W HD,AM,SD

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