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Behavior Expectations

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1 Behavior Expectations
Mayo Middle School

2 Career Ready Program No longer levels
Attendance, Academics, and Behavior will be rewarded separately

3 Career Ready Program Attendance-
If you have 95% attendance rate or higher there will be a monthly reward

4 Career Ready Program Academics
Students with no D’s or F’s will take part in an awards ceremony each quarter

5 Career Ready Program Behavior
Students with no more than two referrals will participate in the quarter celebration

6 BULLYING Handbook Page 22 Bullying Logs

7 FIGHTING Handbook Page 25 Pushing / shoving Intimidation Horseplay
Battery Assault

8 detentions Students may earn detentions for inappropriate behavior
Detentions may be given by teachers, staff, and administration Detentions may be 30 min – 2 hours Detentions will be served before school or after school

9 Lunch detentions Students may earn lunch detentions for inappropriate behavior at lunch Lunch detentions are served in CRIB Lunch detentions may be given by teachers, staff and administration

10 crib Consequence Room for Inappropriate Behavior
Earned for stopping the educational process 4 CRIBs from teacher will result in a full day CRIB

11 aer Alternative Education Room 8:30 – 3:30
Lunch Break / 2 Restroom Breaks Must work continually

12 Mayo rules Be Respectful Raise your hand, give your best effort
Walk to your right, have your hall pass Use good manners, clean up after yourself Use appropriate language Respect others privacy and property Dress appropriately, Face the activity, be silent when a speaker addresses a group Participate in a positive manner

13 Mayo rules Be Considerate Treat school property with care
Use appropriate language Allow for differences Keep hands, feet, objects and mouth to self No food, drinks, candy and gum Sit in assigned seats Ask for permission to leave a designated area

14 Mayo rules Arrive on time with materials Put name and hour on papers
Be Responsible Arrive on time with materials Put name and hour on papers Use passes for emergencies Follow classroom rules Take the most direct route to your destination Dress for the weather Ask for help when you need it Inform adults of any problems

15 We expect that mayo students will:
Respect self, others, property, and the environment Set and strive to meet high standards of performance Be effective communicators, problem solvers, and decision makers Use cooperative and independent learning strategies Have developed a knowledgebase which empowers them to become effective citizens

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