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12.8.15 CURRENT EVENTS ON THIS DAY: 1776 - George Washington's retreating army in the American Revolution crossed the Delaware River from New Jersey.

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Presentation on theme: "12.8.15 CURRENT EVENTS ON THIS DAY: 1776 - George Washington's retreating army in the American Revolution crossed the Delaware River from New Jersey."— Presentation transcript:

1 CURRENT EVENTS ON THIS DAY: George Washington's retreating army in the American Revolution crossed the Delaware River from New Jersey to Pennsylvania U.S. President Abraham Lincoln announced his plan for the Reconstruction of the South Tom King of England defeated American John Heenan and became the first world heavyweight champion The United States entered World War II when it declared war against Japan U.S. President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev signed a treaty agreeing to destroy their nations' arsenals of intermediate-range nuclear missiles U.S. President Clinton signed into law the North American Free Trade Agreement. BELL WORK: USE THE POLITICAL CARTOON ON THE NEXT SLIDE TO ANSWER THE QUESTION. AGENDA: WATCH, TAKE NOTES ON & DISCUSS NATIONAL NEWS. COMPLETE DEBATE #2 ROUND #2. WATCH, COMPLETE & DISCUSS 60 MINUTES SUMMARY.

2 Bell Work: An editorial cartoonist often uses humor to illustrate a news item. One of the types of humor used is irony. 1. What is Irony? 2. Describe the irony of Dana Summers’ cartoon. 3. What ongoing news story is cartoonist Dana Summers illustrating in this cartoon?

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