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Module 4 Enlightenment and Revolution

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1 Module 4 Enlightenment and Revolution
Exam-Study Guide

2 Lesson #1: The Scientific Revolution
Matching: 1. geocentric theory 2. deism 3. heliocentric theory 4. Scientific Revolution 5. scientific method Multiple Choice: 6. Nicolaus Copernicus theory and publication. 7. Analytical geometry. 8. Ancient Greek astronomers and the universe. 9. Issac Newton’s belief of God’s role in the universe. 10. Andreas Vesalius and medical science.

3 Lesson #2: Enlightenment Thinkers
Multiple Choice: Thomas Hobbes beliefs on monarchs. Ideals promoted by 18th-century French intellectuals. Cesare Beccaria’s view of the role of government. Adam Smith’s beliefs for a successful economy. Montesquieu’s admiration for the British government.

4 Lesson #3: The Enlightenment Spreads
Matching: salons neoclassical baroque enlightened despot Classical Multiple Choice: Diderot’s Encyclopedia and the Catholic Church. Enlightenment philosophers view on the status of women. Frederick II and his reforms Mary Astell’s view of the role of women in society and marriage. Discoveries during the Scientific Revolution affected European beliefs.

5 Lesson #4: The American Revolution
Multiple Choice: Effect of the Navigation Acts on colonial commerce. French and Indian War changed the relationship between the American colonies and Great Britain. What grievances are cited in the Declaration of Independence. A major weakness of the Articles of Confederation. Characteristics of the American government reflects the enlightened thought of Voltaire.

6 Lesson #2 Enlightenment Thinkers
Short Writing Response: Why did Voltaire make many enemies during his lifetime? Explain his use of satire.

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