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A10 From Confusion to Clarity: Aligning Supports as We Move Up the Triangle Dave Kunelius Rachel Saladis

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2 saladisr@wisconsinpbisnetworkorg
A10 From Confusion to Clarity: Aligning Supports as We Move Up the Triangle Dave Kunelius Rachel Saladis @twitterusername @rspbis Jody Pankratz

3 Assessment Connection
The content of this session connects to TFI Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3

4 Sustained Success is Supported by…
A clear vision of an Equitable Multi-level System of Support Solid foundational work at Tier 1 Aligned features and team structures guiding the system All features of an E-MLSS increase in intensity to support level of student need A continuum of supports that is not disconnected nor disjointed. The system, supports and interventions that schools have in place at tiers 1 and 2 are the foundation for all tier 3 supports Content of slides Triangle with tiers Key features – dog dish Family engagement? MH?

5 All of these key features inform and impact each other.
Key Features of an Equitable, Multi-level System of Supports Wisconsin uses this graphic to represent the systems view of a equitable responsive multi-level system of supports (click for animation) and these are the key system level features of a school fully implementing a responsive framework in any and each content area. We believe that the features must be in place for all content areas within your system in order to be acting as a MLSS. The center supports school in measuring these components in reading, mathematics and behavior. An equitable multi-level systems of supports include the following key system features: · Equity is at the center of the framework and embedded into all other key system features to challenge and change inequitable access, opportunity, and outcomes experienced by learners currently underserved in Wisconsin schools; · Academic, behavioral, social, and emotional teaching and supports delivered through high quality instruction; · The strategic use of data for continuous improvement; · Collaboration among staff, learners, families, and communities to make the complex work of system change possible. · A continuum of supports for learners, starting with a strong universal level of support as the base; · Systemic implementation throughout the district, schools, teams, and classrooms to promote consistency and effectiveness across the system of supports; · Strong shared leadership and positive culture to provide the context necessary for schools and districts to grow and sustain implementation; and · Use of evidence-based practices to ensure that school and district efforts positively impact learner outcomes These key system features inform and impact each other. Therefore, the success of the framework depends on a school’s or district’s capacity to simultaneously develop key system features. Success and durability of an equitable multi-level system of supports depends on coherent implementation across the system: from the state, to the district, to the school, to grade and content teams, to the classroom. This training today fits within this larger comprehensive equitable MLSS and is tied to the work of key system features. You will see as we move through the day that we discuss a number of these within the specific work of Tier 2. All of these key features inform and impact each other.

6 Supporting Student Behavior High quality instruction
Social Competence & Academic Achievement OUTCOMES Supporting Decision Making Strategic use of data Supporting Staff Behavior Collaboration DATA SYSTEMS PRACTICES Supporting Student Behavior High quality instruction


8 Partnering with Families
Within a Culturally Responsive Multi-Level System of Support Lower Impact Higher Impact Feature photos that represent families in your school Family resource room Positive phone call Share academic and behavioral expectations P-T conferences to set goals Celebrations Parent representative(s) on PBIS/RtI universal team Monthly positive phone calls/contacts Back to school nights Potlucks Strategies highlighted in Communications done In home language Modeling learning support strategies Class parties Acknowledgement system Home visits Performances Literacy/math nights Read with child at home Regular, personalized communication PBIS/RtI family brochures, website Fundraisers Using family surveys and feedback Data sharing folders Embrace Engage Empower Adapted from the Class-wide Family Engagement Rubric created by Flamboyan Foundation.

9 Here I will talk about the different things we do and then how we adjust this to fit different Tiers. Most of this is really strong at a universal level. We are looking to enhance this for different Tiers and also add more options in for the families.


11 Alignment Shout out existing silos…

12 Why Invest in Alignment?
Doing many things, but none of them well Assumption that New is better… .More is better Political value of “touching” many efforts (“we have _______ in our school” The new, cool thing…) Assumption that if we train individuals in many things THEY will do the alignment and integration on their own Talk to a shoulder partner – do any of these describe your current situation?

13 Unaligned efforts are ineffective and inefficient
Alignment McIntosh (2015) “One of the major variables affecting sustained implementation of effective practices is the introduction of new initiatives that either (a) compete with resources needed for sustained implementation or (b) contradict existing initiatives.” Unaligned efforts are ineffective and inefficient

14 WLC works with Self-Regulation
S.M.A.R.T. Course for those with an IEP Regulation Stations in the Classrooms Sensory Path in main hallway Alternative Seating Options for all S.M.A.R.T. Course for those with an IEP – focus, concentration, coordination Worked with students at a Tier 3 Level Piloted with a student at a Tier 2 Level – successful so looked for options for all Regulation Stations in the Classrooms Training for teachers Training for students Sensory Path in main hallway Used News to show how to utilize this tool Teachers modeled and practiced with students Alternative Seating Options for all – needing more movement or space

15 Collaboration/Teaming

16 Collaboration/Teaming
Establishing a sustainable system of supports relies on stakeholders working together and holding each other accountable toward a shared goal of success for every learner Purpose: To show that a multi-level system of support responds to student needs A multi-level system of support is the practice of systematically providing differing levels of intensity of supports based upon student responsiveness to instruction and intervention A multi-level system of support ensures we provide increasingly intensive supports for students as the data suggests they need to learn at a high level. This means that the more intense the student need, the more we increase the focus, intensity, and time for IN ALL 3 ELEMENTS: instruction, collaboration and assessment. Remember, our goal is to create systematic processes that ensure we respond to students according to a school wide plan rather than according to the discretion of individual teachers. We want to provide consistent responses if asked to explain the steps our school takes when student have difficulty learning.

17 Team Structures T1 = , , Classroom, Title, SLP, Specials, EAs, Parents T2 = , , , County Rep, , , Classroom Teachers T3 = , , , Admin Counselors Admin Counselors Psych Social Worker SPED Talk a bit about the overlap for Tiers for consistency but also the option of offering to different reps… Admin Psych Social Worker SPED

18 Meeting Minutes Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Attendance Date/Location/Time
Roles and Duties Minute Taker Facilitator Data Analyst New Items to Discuss Data Review Admin Issues Future Planning Systems Issues Data issues Documentation Review of students/interventions Mentor programs CICO SAIG Counseling groups Reverse Requests Data of Possible Students Behaviors Community Involvement Health Room Visits Concerns from Staff In addition to Tier 2: Staff Availability Complex FBS Wrap Around Teams CST How team collaborate/communicate across tiers T2 Data = looks more at the individuals, still frequent behaviors, needs, options/strategies and supports T3 Data = focuses more on whole student – school, home, peer interactions


20 Using Data Tier 3 Student-centered Tier 2 System Tier 1
Student Data Reviewed System Data Reviewed Tier 3 Tier 1 Data from T1+T2 and Individual Student Data Team: TFI or BAT Staff: SAS Student-centered Tier 2 System Prior data + BIP Plan Data Team: TFI or BAT Staff: SAS Aggregated Student Data All data from Tier 1 + Daily Progress Report Data Team: TFI or BoQ Staff: SAS Aggregated Student Data Major & Minor Office Referrals; Health Room Visits; Attendance; Grades; etc. T2D1 – slide 18 Main Idea: This is the bigger picture of leadership structures and conversations within the PBIS framework. Teaming structure and how teams/conversations overlap and build on each other. It is a workbook handout for greater ease of viewing. Using Data

21 Meeting Minutes Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Attendance Date/Location/Time
Roles and Duties Minute Taker Facilitator Data Analyst New Items to Discuss Data Review Admin Issues Future Planning Systems Issues Data issues Documentation Review of students/interventions Mentor programs CICO SAIG Counseling groups Reverse Requests Data of Possible Students Behaviors Community Involvement Health Room Visits Concerns from Staff In addition to Tier 2: Staff Availability Complex FBS Wrap Around Teams CST T1 Data = looking at overall building needs – times, days, locations, frequent behaviors, also look at celebrations and successes, keep focus positive and boosts positive T2 Data = looks more at the individuals, still frequent behaviors, needs, options/strategies and supports T3 Data = focuses more on whole student – school, home, peer interactions

22 Special Education

23 From Fragmented Services…
Title I Special Education ? Ineligible General Education Needed to Support Students Amount of Resources Gifted/Talented Purpose: to remind them of what additional support has looked like in the past As the prior slides states: Think system: Our schools may have looked like this before with “fragmented services.” “because of the long-standing marginalization of student and learning supports, the resources and leadership dedicated to supporting such work continues to be fragmented, often with costly redundancy and counterproductive competition for sparse resources, and always producing too-limited outcomes.” Intensity of Need

24 …to a System of Supports
Intensity of Need Needed to Support Students Amount of Resources General + Intensive Resources General + Supplemental Resources Purpose: To illustrate what a responsive system of a continuum can look like in all 3 essential elements. (visual illustration) With systemic thinking and systematic practices we can evolve our schools to this system of support. The goal of this framework and this critical point takes strong notice in creating this one responsive system of a continuum of supports in both instruction, assessment and collaboration. Remember: Our system is perfectly designed to get the results we are seeing. Therefore, we need to spend time designing the system to get the results we want. General Resources


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