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Tricky issues with your research

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Presentation on theme: "Tricky issues with your research"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tricky issues with your research

2 Drawing conclusions and presenting your research to others
Research Study Drawing conclusions and presenting your research to others

3 Sessions aims and objectives
To be aware of how to complete the final sections of your Research Study Objectives: To be aware of the requirements for a top grade conclusion, evaluation and abstract To analyse examples of these sections compared to the marking criteria To complete a draft Abstract + peer assess To be aware of the requirements for the research presentations

4 Schedule looking forward
Date 5-7pm 7 -9pm 24 April Research Study (DK) DPP2 (BN) 1 May Research Study & presentations 8 May Deadline Research Study & presentations 15 May DPP submission Tutorials (DK/BN) 19 May

5 What should an effective one contain?
What is a conclusion? What should an effective one contain?

6 A Conclusion….. Provides the opportunity for you to say what your research means. Enables your to say how your research can contribute to our understanding of - the knowledge in the area, - of current school practice - and/ or relevant policy.

7 In your conclusion: Briefly summarize the key points you made in your Introduction and Literature Review Draw together your research findings. Discuss the broader implications of those findings. Make recommendations for any changes in school practice, etc.

8 In your Evaluation: Review (very briefly) the research methods and/or design you used. Mention the limitations of your research (due to its scope or its weaknesses) Offer suggestions for future research related to yours.

9 Exemplar(s)

10 In your Abstract: An abstract is a highly abbreviated (usually words) synopsis of your research. It should describe your rationale and objectives, as well as your methods and findings. Because of its limited length, an abstract cannot go into detail on any of these topics. Nor can it report on the limitations of your research or offer suggestions for future research. After reading your abstract, people unfamiliar with your research should know what it is about and whether they want to read the entire report.

11 Write an abstract for your research study
Rationale Aims/objectives Methods Findings Peer assessment based on: Coverage /quality of these elements Does it give the key idea of what the research is about & its findings? Peer assessment based on: Coverage of these elements

12 Tricky issues with your research

13 Final checklist Final editing & referencing checks
Embedding of figure numbers Page numbers Contents page Appendices Abstract Reflective account

14 Research presentations
Show and tell – max 10 mins Not assessed Professional feedback to colleagues Contains: - What? - How? - Findings? - Any key reading/reports? - Recommendations / outcomes?

15 Research presentations
1 May 2014 8 May 2014

16 Personal target setting for rest of the session Identify what specifically you want to achieve between now and the end of the session Write it on a post-it

17 Plenary Review whether you have achieved your personal target for the session Any queries about completion of: The Research Report Presenting your research findings Identify what you need to complete between now and next week

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