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Preparing for Kindergarten!

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for Kindergarten!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for Kindergarten!

2 What Can I Do Now To Prepare My Child For Kindergarten?
You can help ensure your child’s success in kindergarten by helping her/him in the following ways…

3 Read, read, and read some more to your child!
Literacy Read, read, and read some more to your child! Letters and sounds Talk about stories together

4 Writing Write first name correctly
Have paper and crayons available at home Holds pencil correctly with a pincer grip

5 Practice: Math Sorting (laundry, toys, blocks) Colors Shapes
Numbers (identifying, writing) Counting

6 Managing full-sized backpack Tying shoes Cutting with scissors
Practice: Putting on coat Managing full-sized backpack Tying shoes Cutting with scissors Cleaning up after themselves Toys Bathroom needs Independence

7 Play-Based Learning in Kindergarten
45-60 minutes of play daily Centers may include: Dramatic play Art Blocks Literacy Science/technology Centers promote independence, problem-solving skills, cooperation, activities that promote creativity and FUN!

8 Social Emotional Learning
We expect kindergarteners to: Take turns Sit quietly and focus for about 15 minutes Solve social problems appropriately Follow directions the first time asked

9 Is My Child Ready to be a Kindergartener?
To ensure that your child is successful, some factors to consider are: Does your child tire easily and still take long naps? Is your child able to use the bathroom completely by him/herself? Is your child comfortable separating from you? Can your child listen and follow directions? Does your child use words to communicate needs? Not all children are ready for kindergarten at age 5

10 See You In September!

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