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Some Revision Techniques

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1 Some Revision Techniques
Listen to score read each of the set works on a regular, consistent basis Read the GCSE Music Revision Guide and your own Class notes & Hand-Outs Create revision Flashcards and Postcards for each set work Complete Past Listening Papers with model answers and revise from these Complete Revision Mind Maps – use ‘Key Fact Summaries’ from Student Guide Practice Dictation, Comparison Questions & Unfamiliar Music Questions Revise the glossary of key words/terms/chord sequences for each set work Use revision clips from YouTube and relevant Apps – what are they? Make up your own listening questions providing the correct answers Create a revision song and deliver a PowerPoint Presentation for each set work Perform each set work to fully absorb it Revise with a friend and test each other


3 Revising Key Facts Use the Summary of Key Musical Features Snapshots for every set work from the Student Guide to help you revise the Key Facts that you need to memorize. These are on pages: 65 (Bach), 79 (Beethoven) 93 (Purcell), 107 (Queen) 123 (Wicked), 137 (Star Wars) 150 (Release) and 162 (Samba Em Preludio) Complete Mind Maps for each of the 8 Set Works – fill in the blanks. Use the hand outs and PowerPoint notes to help you do this.

4 Revising Key Facts What instruments and voices are used in each set work? What is the tonality of each set work? What is the tempo and dynamics of each set work? What is the texture of each set work? What rhythmic features are there in the set work? What melodic features are there in the set work? What vocal features are there in the set work?

5 Revising Key Facts For the Essay Comparison question (12 marks) you need to write about: 1. Commonalities about the Set Work and the unfamiliar piece – what is the same (6) 2. Differences between the Set Work and the unfamiliar piece – what is different (6) Write about instrumentation, dynamics, tonality, tempo, texture, rhythm, melody, technology, structure, vocals, etc. Complete Practice Tests and go through the Model answers. Practice Dictation Tests (8) and Listening to Unfamiliar Music Tests (8).

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