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Canada and Asia: Some Reflections

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Presentation on theme: "Canada and Asia: Some Reflections"— Presentation transcript:

1 Canada and Asia: Some Reflections

2 The Pacific is a big body of water

3 Especially if you see yourself at the centre

4 Why Asia Matters Politics and Security Economics Global Challenges
Technology and Innovation Demographics Influence on Canada

5 Politics and Security sources: and

6 Asia by Numbers-Economic Growth

7 The “Return” of China and India

8 When Will China Become the World’s Largest Economy?

9 And What Will it Mean for Canada?

10 Global Challenges

11 Technology and Innovation source:;

12 Lots of people…some old, some young

13 US-China Trade War and Its Wider Impact

14 Immediate and Long-Term Challenges
Repair China Relationship Exploit other economic opportunities (CPTPP) Investing in Security partnerships (Indo-Pacific) Energy exports vs Environmental Impacts Find the right Technology Partnerships Immigration and Education Factors

15 China Challenges;

16 CPTPP is one answer, but not the only one

17 Security Presence

18 Energy Exports/Environmental Concerns

19 Getting our Technology Partnerships Right

20 How Will Asia Shape Canada? How Will Canada Engage With Asia?

21 Thank You/Merci So Where do we go from Here? Hugh Stephens
Distinguished Fellow Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada

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