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Eurasia - Caspian Region

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1 Eurasia - Caspian Region
– Dynamics and Implications – Franz B. Ehrhardt Conoco Eurasia Inc., Istanbul, Turkey Middle East Petroleum & Gas Conference, Bahrain

2 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved
Contents Facts, Data, and Estimates Political Complexity Available Markets Competitive Challenges Regional Interconnections Energy Investor’s Views What’s Needed (For Success) Summary November 2, 2019 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved

3 Impact Region - Caspian Province
November 2, 2019 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved

4 Data, Facts, and Estimates
Wide range of reserve estimates, could be as much as the North Sea (… or much less) Surrounded by % of World energy supply that is much closer to markets Landlocked location with significant transportation challenges Probably more Gas than Crude Very low internal energy use November 2, 2019 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved

5 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved
Political Complexity Transition phase from Soviet Union status to independence and democracies Uncertain political leadership succession Considerable amount of conflicts with direct and indirect regional implications Powerful and persisting USA initiatives to promote select (strategic) projects Strong Russian and Iranian strategic interests in the Region November 2, 2019 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved

6 Political Conflict Situations
November 2, 2019 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved

7 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved
Available Gas Markets INTERNAL KAZAKHSTAN EUROPE TURKEY AFGANISTAN IRAN PAKISTAN INDIA November 2, 2019 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved

8 Natural Gas Supply Options for Turkey
14 16 KAZAKHSTAN 12 TURKEY 8 10 ALL LNG AFGANISTAN 10 IRAN PAKISTAN INDIA November 2, 2019 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved

9 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved
Turkey Present Demand Bcm, 2010 Projection: Bcm Envisioned Supply (Firmly contracted and MoUs) by 2010 = Bcm Attractive Market because of vicinity to Iraq, Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia, and Egypt Also a potential, though high transportation cost, market for Turkmenistan Anticipated over-supply will provide Turkey with low cost gas in the long term Thus, Turkey will be highly competitive for supplier November 2, 2019 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved

10 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved
Europe Significant increase in future demand Strong present and future supply base from the North Sea and North Africa (growing) Position of established gas companies create high barriers to entry into direct marketing Highly price-competitive for gas supplier Physical supply from Caspian Region non-competitive because of distance and required new infrastructure Inter-Regional swaps could open options for certain volumes November 2, 2019 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved

11 Supply and Demand: Pakistan/India
Demand Bcm Demand 159 Bcm Year 1999 Year 2010 62 23 56 97 Supply India Supply Pakistan Shortfall November 2, 2019 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved

12 Natural Gas Market - Pakistan/India -
Routes and Distances KAZAKHSTAN TURKEY SWAP AFGANISTAN IRAN PAKISTAN INDIA November 2, 2019 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved

13 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved
Pakistan/India Very significant (and growing) supply shortfall for both markets Similar distance from most Turkmen gas fields to Pakistan-India than to Turkey and on to Europe Very few competing direct supply possibilities from other sources Certain gas swaps with Iran can further improve economics of transportation Pakistan-India market can absorb the “free” supply capability of Turkmenistan and Iran True “win-win” potential November 2, 2019 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved

14 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved
Internal Growth Internal consumption will provide highest energy net-backs High-energy use (e.g. smelters), and raw material use industries (e.g. petro-chemical) could produce high added-value products Higher value products can easier neutralize incremental transportation costs to markets Industrial and commercial developments will create jobs (internal economic stability), as well as … ... Economic diversification away from energy (reduced reliance) Energy companies may become partners November 2, 2019 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved

15 Regional Crude Interlinks And Export Routs
KAZAKHSTAN TURKEY SWAP AFGANISTAN IRAN PAKISTAN INDIA November 2, 2019 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved

16 Energy Investor’s Views
Economic attractiveness initially palatable, conditions getting worse Gold-Rush mentality, emerging disappointments and exists Increase in challenging host government expectations Higher production and transportation costs than surrounding energy supplies Heavy competitive pressure from outside of Region, especially with political normalization in the Region Uncertain legal status; laws and legal systems not transparent; uncertain assets protection Corruption and bureaucratic inefficiency a major factor BUT … One of very few remaining energy provinces that welcome foreign full equity participation in Upstream, and …Promising indicators for general environmental improvement November 2, 2019 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved

17 What’s Needed (for Success)?
Contrary to many views and desires (political and other), cost competitiveness will be THE decisive factor for success With highly innovative approaches, certain political preferences can still be fulfilled, while delivering cost-competitive infra-structures Development of transparent and reliable long term unilateral and and multilateral energy strategies and and policies Host Government expectations and performances have to be focused on cost competitiveness in the energy market place For transportation infrastructures, establishment of a multi-lateral legal system and economically competitive tariff , tax, and transit conditions on the basis of consistency and compatibility is critical November 2, 2019 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved

18 What’s Needed (for Success)?
Recognition of Turkey’s concern about Bosphorus transit and development of solution. Development of multiple energy export option to maximize economic and risk-prevention flexibility Regional political stability and solution of conflict situations The ineffective unilateral sanction policy of the US Government towards Iran has to be discontinued and exchanged for bi- and multilateral economic growth-enhancing policies and programs Improved long term political succession planning Improved bureaucratic effectiveness November 2, 2019 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved

19 What’s Needed (for Success)?
Effective measures to combat corruption Establishment of general, transparent, manageable, and enforceable, legal systems with international arbitration is needed Full exploitation of economics-based inner-regional links with Russia in the North and the Middle East in the South is essential Development of Turkey as an economic power house based on surplus availability of natural gas Strong emphasis on inner-regional industrial & commercial development that adds significant value based on local energy supply Strong focus on the development of other gas markets that offer a competitive position, e.g.: Pakistan/India November 2, 2019 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved

20 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved
Summary High respect for those countries of the Region that have emerged from the break-up of the FSU in the face of tremendous challenges and fundamental transition changes Cautious optimism that conflict solution and political stability can be achieved over time with visionary approaches Although disadvantaged by high transportation cost for crude and gas, highly innovative and cooperative concepts may neutralize many negative aspects Only stronger crude and gas prices, a determined focus on cost competitiveness, and broad, Regional cooperative approaches , coupled with political goodwill will decide if the Caspian Region can become a long term major energy player. November 2, 2019 Copyright© 2005 CASCA Consulting, L.L.C. All rights reserved

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