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Phytochrome has 2 forms Red-absorbing phytochrome

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1 Phytochrome has 2 forms Red-absorbing phytochrome
Far red absorbing phytochrome Interconverted Two forms of the same compound Total amount same Pr Pfr Pr Pfr

2 In red light Pfr Pr Pfr Pr absorbs red light, changes to Pfr form.
Pfr doesn’t absorb red light, stays the same.

3 In far red light Pr Pr Pfr
Pr doesn’t absorb far red light, stays the same. Pfr absorbs far red light, changes to Pr form.

4 Sunlight Mostly red A little far red

5 In sunlight In sunlight most P gets converted to Pfr form. Pr Pfr Pfr

6 Start of night Most P in Pfr form. Pr Pfr Pfr Pr Pfr Pr Pfr Pfr Pr Pfr

7 In the dark Pfr form changes gradually to Pr form. Pfr Pr Pfr Pr Pfr

8 After a short night Pfr still left. Pfr Pr Pfr Pr Pfr Pr Pfr Pfr Pfr

9 Later in the night More Pfr changes to Pr. Pfr Pr Pr Pfr Pfr Pfr Pr

10 After a long night All the Pfr is gone. Pr Pfr Pr Pr Pfr Pfr Pr Pr Pr

11 Day dawns Most P gets converted to Pfr form again. Pr Pfr Pfr Pr Pfr

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