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Directions for this Template

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1 Directions for this Template
Use the Slide Master to make universal changes to the presentation, including inserting your organization’s logo “View” tab > “Slide Master” Replace placeholders (indicated by brackets [ ]) with information specific to your exercise Delete any slides that are not relevant for your exercise Font size should not be smaller than 22pt Rev. April 2013 HSEEP-C02 Organizations can modify and augment this briefing as needed.

2 Controller/Evaluator Debriefing [Date]
[Exercise Name] Controller/Evaluator Debriefing [Date]

3 Welcome and Introductions
Name Organization

4 Purpose The purpose of the C/E Debriefing is to review exercise conduct and discuss strengths, areas for improvement, and progress in completing exercise objectives.

5 Objectives and Core Capabilities
[Exercise objective] [Linked core capabilities]

6 Functional Area Report
Each functional area controller and evaluator discusses the strengths and areas for improvement observed in their respective areas, and if exercise objectives were met.

7 Functional Area Report (cont’d)
Each functional area controller and evaluator discusses the strengths and areas for improvement observed in their respective areas, and if exercise objectives were met.

8 Functional Area Report (cont’d)
Each functional area controller and evaluator discusses the strengths and areas for improvement observed in their respective areas, and if exercise objectives were met.

9 Next Steps [Sponsor Organization] will:
Draft the After Action Report (AAR) Distribute the draft AAR to elected and appointed officials, who validate observations and identify corrective actions Schedule After-Action Meeting

10 Administrative Return: Badges [and/or vests] Documentation
Exercise Evaluation Guides (EEGs) Participant Feedback Forms [Other as needed]

11 Questions?

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