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Welcome to Sixth Grade! With Mrs. Cass.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Sixth Grade! With Mrs. Cass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Sixth Grade! With Mrs. Cass

2 A little about little old me…
I have been teaching 6,7,8th grades at SMS since So how many years is that now? I grew up in Northeast Philadelphia and we moved to New Jersey when I was 15. I have one brother and he lives in NJ. I have a nephew, Michael, and two nieces , Julia and Madison My birthday is November 4th,1975. So how old am I? I went to Saint Joe’s University from When I am not at school I like to hang out with my family, exercise, and shop at Suburban Square or the King of Prussia Mall! I have a 4 year old daughter, Kate! She will be four years old on October 23rd. She is starting pre-k on Monday and she will be in Mrs. Holsten’s room I also have a 22 month old baby, Caroline. She was born on November 1st I had such a fun summer! I went to Cape May, Vermont , Please Touch Museum,and the pool a lot! We also moved to Havertown so I spent most of my summer decorating my new house! Here are some pictures!








10 Finding your way around Grade 6!
Schedules! Teachers Books and supplies to bring In/ Out Doors Lines

11 Important things to remember!
Push your chair in Keep your desk next/ clean Keep school bags off desk I love CLEAN things Always do your homework this will be mostly be studying If you make a mistake- OWN up to it! It goes a LONG way  Try your best and you will always be a winner!

12 Uniforms It is important to wear the proper uniform everyday
NO sweatshirts with the winter uniform ( only on Gym day) , excessive jewelry, colored socks (socks also must match please)

13 Absent/ Late/ Leave Early
Try and make doctor appointments after school If absent- get the work you miss Try your best not to be late. It disrupts you and your classmates

14 Tests and Quizzes Something New!!!! Tests and Quizzes will not need to be signed! The grades will be posted on the website and your parents will be notified on the homework site. Tests will be collected the next day – but will not need to be signed! Tests and Quizzes are always announced a week in advance It is important to manage you time wisely and study a little every night The day before a test we will play a bonus game. The winners will receive points on the test

15 Rewards for Good Behavior!
Homework passes Extra recess time Computer lab time Any other ideas?!?

16 Morning Routine Office boy/girl Getting ready for the day
Take out Religion books

17 Books Coverings Labeled Bookshelves

18 Closets and Desks Order Once a month desk change

19 Prayer Box Mrs. Johnston’s office Will be offered up each morning

20 Cell phones / Electronics
Will be discussed at back to school night Will be placed in a box and handed back each day at 2:45 Consequences – 24 hours Locked in office overnight

21 Homework Homework board Website
Every night ( except Friday and Saturday) you should be doing homework Study a little every night- tests are usually announced a week in advance. You need to study every night leading up the test not just the night before Consequences if not complete 

22 STUDY HALL & 2:45 Time Homework? Upcoming Quizzes? Upcoming Tests? Relaxing reading time Jobs Packing up Picking up Kate Handing back cell phones Homework Classroom Order

23 Recess Talk to each other Read Card games Small snack
Bathroom ( no need to ask!)

24 After Lunch… SSR – need to be quiet –Shhhhhhhh!
can read a free choice book, study, magazine Can’t write and do homework When bell rings at 1:05 take out all ELA books

25 Contracts Review Need to be signed by Monday , September 12th

26 Survey Name Members of your family ( include pets)
Favorite summer memory 3 things you are good at doing 3 things you do not like to do ( do not include homework and coming to school please) Something you would like me to know about you A realistic reward I could give A job you would prefer to have ( ie. Board washer, office person, cell phone person) Take a look at the posters around the room. Rank them in order of importance to you. Tell me why you picked your first choice

27 Fair Classroom Rules Think about some fair classroom rules and consequences Class activity

28 Get to Know Me Project Fill out sheet
Choose 10 Questions you would like to present! You have to pick 5 ( or more) questions from the sheet and then make 5 of you own! Make a PowerPoint presentation – include a cover slide Each slide should have the question and your answer Each slide should include a picture that tells about the topic 


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