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World War Two Review.

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Presentation on theme: "World War Two Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War Two Review

2 What event brought the US into WW2

3 A: The Bombing of Peal Harbor

4 What was the Blitzkrieg

5 Hitler's lightning war Fast and unexpected fighting

6 What was another name for Kristalnacht

7 A: Night of broken glass

8 What did Hitler hope to accomplish by sending Jews to the Ghettos

9 A: That the Jews would die of starvation and disease

10 Who was winston churchill

11 The leader of great brittan

12 Why was the battle of the midway significant

13 Turned tide of war in pacific

14 What were the ghettos

15 Segregated parts of a city where jews and other non Aryans were sent to live

16 Where did D-Day occur

17 The beaches of normandy in france
Operation overlord

18 Who was Dwight Eisenhower

19 A five star general who commanded the US and Allied forces in WW2 ( Europe north Africa)

20 What does anti semitism mean

21 Hatred of jews

22 Why did Japanese attack pearl harbour

23 To take out the USA’s Pacific fleet

24 What was hitlers final solution

25 To commit genocide of all jews

26 Who signed a pact of non aggression at the beginning of ww2

27 Russia and Geremany

28 As part of Russia and GERMANY agreement which coutry did they agree to split

29 A:Poland

30 What happened at Dunkirk

31 The french were rescued by the british

32 Which countries did hitler invade to get to france

33 Belgium and the Netherlands

34 What was the outcome of the battle of Brittan

35 The british held off the Nazis and germany decided to fight them later

36 Were did Hitler turn his attention after the battle of Brittan

37 What was the first battle the Japanese lost in the pacific

38 A: The battle of the coral sea

39 What day did pearl harbor occur on

40 A: December 7th 1941

41 Who was General Macarthur and what idea did he come up with

42 Commanded troops in pacific/ Island hopping

43 What group was known as hitlers master race

44 What was the holocaust

45 The systematic killing of over 11 million people

46 What was hitlers final solution

47 A. Genocide

48 What is genocide

49 The systematic killing of an entire population

50 Who else was persecuted by hilter

51 Gypsies , Non supporters, mentally ill, terminally ill, Jehovah witnesses

52 What was aushwitz

53 The most brutal of all the death camps

54 What was the difference between a concentration camp and death camp

55 Concentration camps had people work while the death camps sole purpose was for death

56 Who won the battle of stalingrad

57 The Russians Winter

58 What happened to mussolini

59 He was shot and hung in milan

60 How did americans help at home durring the war

61 Many took jobs in factories including women

62 What happened to Japanese Americans after pearl harbor

63 They were sent to internment camps

64 What was VE day

65 Victory in Europe day

66 Where did USA bomb in Japan

67 Hiroshima and Nagasaki

68 What was the Manhattan project

69 A: Development of nuclear bomb

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